
SERIE • 5 Staffeln • Western, Komödie • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 1957


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Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Leslie H. Martinson, Douglas Heyes, Richard L. Bare, Irving J. Moore, Budd Boetticher, John Ainsworth
Jack Kelly, James Garner, Roger Moore, Lane Chandler, Clyde Howdy, Kathleen Crowley


1. Staffel 1 (27 Episoden)
Bret Maverick takes down a money-hungry gambler in the town of Echo Springs. He befriends an old drunk, who turns out to be a successful judge. Maverick strikes a deal with the gambler, Phineas King, to merge the ""silver lady"" mine with ""the new hope"" mine.
Bret meets a delightful and cunning girl (Karen Steele). Within minutes, she makes plans for his future — a permanent plot on boot hill.
Samantha Crawford is a con artist employed by George Cross. Cross once lost $50,000 to Bret Maverick and is determined to get it back. Two riverboat owners staked Maverick $5,000 which he promptly loses to Samantha. Samantha claims Cross is her father and needs the money to get out of jail. Maverick forms a partnership with Samantha and purchases gambling equipment in a scheme to put Joe Riggs, a crooked game room owner, out of business. Samantha and Cross doublecross Maverick by selling the equipment to Riggs.
A woman who'd been traveling with Bret suddenly disappears. Looking into things he discovers that she'd been reported dead more than a week ago.
Bret tries to prove the innocence of a man serving a life sentence. But there's someone who wants the prisoner to stay where he is.
Fleeing a band of angry Native Americans, Bret takes shelter in a way station where a family of nasty outlaws are planning their bloodiest deal.
Bret wins a camel in a card game and ends up using her to bring a crooked gambling den owner to justice.
Bret Maverick meets up with brother Bart in New Orleans where they plan to obtain passage on a riverboat where big money poker games are held but end up getting involved in the kidnapping of the riverboat owner's daughter instead.
Bret and Dandy Jim Buckley bet heavily on a boxing match but when their fighter withdraws it's up to Bret himself to step into the squared circle.
Bart agrees to pose as the husband of a woman who's traveling through the badlands. Big mistake because he soon finds himself the target of a killer.
Bart takes to the sea after buying a derelict cargo ship. The wreck is extremely valuable and he wants to know why.
The only person who can clear Bret of a robbery charge has been marked for death by the notorious gunfighter/gambler Doc Holliday.
Bart pokes his nose into an unsolved murder case and ends up facing the business end of a killer's .45.
Arriving in the mining boom town of Virginia City, Bret gets involved with a mining engineer in his struggle for improved working conditions.
Bart gets involved with two devious couples in this episode which sees him trying to clear himself of a bank robbery and a murder.
Bret is happy to escort a lovely widow to the bank with a large sum of cash - until he learns the money is counterfeit.
It's shades of 12 Angry Men when Bret becomes the lone holdout for a not guilty verdict in a murder trial. He has to use a long shot card trick to convince the other jurors that the defendant might be innocent.
After being beaten up, robbed, and shanghaied, Bart sets out to expose the man responsible, a respected member of San Francisco society, as a diamond swindler.
Fearless Bret feels it's about time someone did something about the town bully so he asks the townspeople to do something.
Against his better judgment, Bart teams up with Samantha Crawford to recover stolen Treasury plates.
During a hellacious rainstorm the brothers Maverick relate to pal Dandy Jim Buckley about the time in Texas shortly after the Civil War when they searched far and wide for a tall man who could clear them of a murder charge.
In the desert, an Indian ambush leaves Bart and other stagecoach passengers to battle their attackers, each other, and the sun.
Samantha Crawford arranges for Bret to sit in on a high stakes poker game but he's the fall guy when the game gets robbed.
There's gold in them thar hills, and Bart Maverick and Big Mike McComb are out to get it. But so are four nasty Mexican banditos.
The heirs of millionaire General Eakins are being killed off one by one so why is Bret Maverick so worried? He's posing as one of the heirs and might be the next intended victim.
Bart Maverick is in search of a thief who stole his money but gets sidetracked into accompanying a young woman searching for her missing husband into forbidden Sioux territory.
After they arrive in an Arizona town, Bret and Bart are mistaken for Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday and end up preventing a bank robbery.
2. Staffel 2 (26 Episoden)
Bret attends a hanging under very uncomfortable conditions: he's the intended victim.
Bret falls for the tempting trickery of a pretty woman (Joanna Barnes) — and finds himself helplessly involved in a swindle.
Bart meets a gentleman after his own heart — who skips town with his money, and leaves him to face a murder rap and a man-hungry female (Arlene Howell).
In a desert, Bret and a hunting party are ambushed — and left to fight a blazing sun.
Bart Maverick and two of his friends are charged with murder. The town's citizens demand a confession from one of the three men, or else all three men will be prosecuted. Bart falsely confesses to the murder, but help from his friend Dandy Jim Buckley exonerates him from the crime.
In Mexico, Bret tries to trick an American renegade into returning to the U.S. — where he's wanted for murder.
Bart tails a pretty cancan dancer who stole his money — only to find himself being followed by two very sinister characters.
Good-hearted Bret lends a pal $200 for an ""honest"" transaction — which lands the pal in jail.
A case of mistaken suitcases unfolds into political warfare, leaving Bart the unhappy target of ruthless killers.
Bret, helpless against a crafty banker (John Dehner) who robbed him, bides his time — while Bart and friends set up an elaborate con game.
Bret tries to help a pair of star-crossed lovers whose feuding families have taken him prisoner.
Bart is a helpless victim of his charms. Two scheming women are after him: one wants to murder for his love; the other just wants to murder him.
After he's cheated in a crooked card game, Bret tries to even the score by beating his opponent — and the odds — in a horse race.
After scuffling with a pal over a dancer, Bart must do some fancy footwork to escape his plight: he's accused of murdering his friend.
Bret and Bart are pursuing the same woman. What's the attraction? The $10,000 she copped from them.
Bret, seeking buried Confederate treasure in Elwood, Kansas, keeps running afoul of U.S. Marshal Mort Dooley. The marshal keeps running Bret out of town. Bret, in turn, keeps outwitting the lawman.
Bret and Bart's devotion to one another is tested when they're offered a deal that can mean $10,000 for one of them — but just one.
Lydia Linley is a young heiress who yearns for a man like Sydney Carton of A Tale of Two Cities - ""a man of warmth, imagination, courage, and a sense of adventure."" Jack Vandergelt III (Roger Moore) is in love with Lydia but knows she will have nothing to do with him because he is rich. Vandergelt hires Bret Maverick to switch identities with him in hopes that Lydia will love and accept him for who he is before she realizes he is a Vandergelt. The plan goes smoothly until Jack Vandergelt's father unexpectedly arrives in town.
Bret Maverick finds himself caught in a deadly love triangle with a lovely woman (Abby Dalton) and a young gunman (Clint Eastwood).
After losing his money in a bank robbery, Bart invests in a get-rich-quick deal with a beautiful — but not-so-dumb — blonde.
Bret and his buddy Waco Williams (Wayde Preston) ride straight into trouble in Bent City, where they are suspected of being cattle rustlers.
In a high-stakes poker game, Bart wins stock in a railroad — and finds himself on the track to a colossal headache.
A pair of con artists, Bart and an old girl friend survive a hazardous stagecoach ride and reach Fort Doom — where their troubles begin.
Bret Maverick suspicions are aroused when he is forced to leave Ten Strike, New Mexico. Determined to stand his ground, Maverick stays in Ten Strike long enough to uncover a bizarre plot of murder and blackmail. Two gunmen, Vic Nolan (Adam West) and Eddie Burke (William Gordon), try to scare Maverick out of town.
Keeping cool during a stage holdup, Bart catches a twinkle of recognition between his lovely traveling companion (Pat Crowley) and one of the outlaws.
Bret accompanies a beautiful singer (Peggy King) on a search for her missing husband and finds himself falling helplessly in love.
3. Staffel 3 (26 Episoden)
Beau Maverick (played by James Garner), father of Bret and Bart announces that he is getting married. The Maverick boys discover that the marriage is a business arrangement, not a love commitment. The young girl, Josephine St. Cloud is being forced by her father to marry the older Beau Maverick. The brothers set out to sabotage the wedding plans, not knowing that Beau Maverick already had a plan.
Bart double-crosses a double-crosser — and winds up hogtied and kidnapped, with only his wits as a weapon with which to save his neck.
Sheriff Bret astounds himself as well as the townspeople by taming the trail herders who have been devastating the town, beats a gang of bank robbers at their own game, but has to summon the aid of brother Bart when his eye for a woman's beauty lands him in his own lockup.
Bart is involved in a bizarre murder plot — in which he is high on the list of planned victims.
Bret Maverick falls for a soft-spoken girl, Modesty Blaine (Mona Freeman). They enter into a partnership — to sell cats to a mining camp overrun by rats. But rumor has it that most men lose either their lives or their money when dealing with this young beauty. However, Bret stands to lose both his life and his money, so he plots to save both.
Bart has trouble retrieving his poker winnings from thieves. But help is on the way — from the local Ladies Aid Society.
Bret Maverick runs into a notorious bunch of bank robbers; Cole Younger, Billy The Kid, Sam Bass, Jesse James, Frank James, Jim Dalton, Black Bart, Ben Thompson and Belle Starr. The outlaws believe that Bret is the infamous Foxy Smith, a well known bad guy. When the outlaws discover Bret's true identity, they force him to do the robbery in Denver. Bret ends up in a mint of trouble.
After a rebuff by mysterious Linda Burke (Joanna Moore), Bart is left holding the bag — for murder.
Bret finds himself one of three men secretly defending a deserted government fort against War Hungry Indians. Maverick succeeds in scaring them off by clever trickery. But a suspicious Indian chief (Paul Clarke) causes him to reconsider.
Bart Maverick, for whom cowardice is a virtue, ""turns yellow"" when he learns that his friendship with a tycoon could cost him his life.
When George Henry Arnett hears that Bret Maverick is in town to collect his money, Arnett (Adam West) starts a ""top gun"" rumor about Bret. After he creates a smoke screen, Arnett creeps out of town. Maverick is idolized by the town youngsters, sought after available women and hunted by the town bounty hunter. Bret Maverick is the talk of the town.
Bart swings into trouble when he tries to help the cavalry uncover a traitor — and winds up facing a hangman's rope.
Bret is gired by a weathly texan to save her brother Mark from a conniving woman named Melanie. Posing as a Texas Colonel, Bret realizes that he's up against a master crook. With Mark's help and brother Bart's arrival as a weathly Easterner, they set up a scheme to catch the girl and almost outsmart themselves with their own cleverness.
Taking shelter in a ghost town, Bart impatiently awaits a storm's end. But when four gunmen arrive, he fears he'll never get out alive.
After saving Bret's life, Johnny Rain (William Reynolds) is arrested for robbing a stage coach. While Bret goes to his rescue he becomes ensnarled in a plot that involves a case of split personality. a dance hall wench and a mild-mannered Tinhorn gambler who likes to leave 'em laughing--with hysteria.
Bart Maverick wins big, when he wins the ""Lucky Lady"" saloon in a card game. When Bart goes to Santa Leora to stake his claim, a beautiful Marquesa refuses to relinquish the property to him. Maverick encounters hurling knives, flurry of bullets and pounding fists when he tries to hold onto his newly acquired saloon.
Bret is one of the seven owners of a Riverboat who start down the Mississippi for Memphis to sell the broken-down craft, but soon in a deadly game of 10 Little Indians one owner after another is found mysteriously dead. It becomes apparent that if the boat does reach Memphis, it's almost certain it will have but one owner.
Bret's freedom hinges on the outcome of a card game. He's ecstatic... until he meets his opponent: Bart — who will make a bundle if he wins.
A beautiful widow (Julie Adams) asks Bart to protect her from an unknown killer. He accepts — unaware that he is the intended victim.
Maverick tries to straighten out his romance with Ellen Johnson and at the same time solve a million dollar jewel theft. When Bret finds out that his ardor has cooled, he also finds that he has become the prime target for a ruthless murderer and a man who refuses to stay dead.
Bart Maverick is running for office, he is a sure candidate for U.S. Senate. Bart's political ambition has some town's people out for his blood. His opponents will go to any length to stifle his political aspirations; they threathen his life. Fearful of his opponents, Bart finds a way out of the election, without letting the voters down.
Bret wins a sheep ranch located in the midst of cattle ranchers whose sole aim is to wipe out the sheep — and their new owner.
Hired to protect a cattle drive, Bart dutifully chases Indians — while a masterful swindle takes place right under his nose.
A $10,000 temptation puts Bret unwittingly in the middle of a fantastic smuggling scheme.
Bret is fighting a murder charge. But when he meets his lawyer — a numerologist, astrologer and bungler — he knows his number is up.
Bank robber Big Ed Murphy is at his wit's end: someone keeps beating him to the loot — and that someone is Bret.
4. Staffel 4 (32 Episoden)
This is the episode that introduces Roger Moore as Cousin Beauregard Maverick. Beau is considered the ""white sheep"" of the family because he had the misfortune of earning a medal in the Civil War. (He had won the medal purely by accident.) Pappy had banished him to England for five years because no Maverick had ever been a hero. Bart Mavrick greets Beau upon his return to America and enlists his cousin to impersonate the son of the Marquis of Bognor, who had been indentured to work on a ranch in Wyoming for six months. The Maverick cousins stand to earn $4,000, but the play goes awry when Beau is kidnapped by a man who wants to settle a grudge with the Marquis.
Bart meets a comical sheriff (Edgar Buchanan) who is dead serious about killing him.
Beau Maverick wins ownership of the Silver Hill, a worthless ore mine. A crooked railroad agent named Shanks tries to cheat the townspeople out of their land by offering them a price that is well below market value. Beau convinces the town to relocate Silver Hill to a sheep ranch twenty miles away. The plan backfires when a new vein of silver is discovered in the supposedly worthless Silver Hill mine, thus enabling Shanks to claim the land without cost. The only hope is for the town to relocate back to Silver Hill before the railroad takes over the land.
In hostile Sioux territory, Bart is caught between a woman prisoner's devastating charms and a pending Indian attack.
On their way to Denver, Beau and Bart Maverick pick up $6,500 in a poker game at Stop Gap. They decide to wire the money to Denver through the Hulett Telegraph Company. They discover the company is a fake and that the telegraph line leads to a cave two miles away where the crooks stash the customers' money and send phony messages in return. The cousins devise a scheme to recover the money and put the company out of business.
Looking for a peaceful and profitable poker game in New Orleans, Bart is plunged into a mysterious murder involving the Black Hand society.
In St. Joseph, Missouri, Beau Maverick wins halfl-ownership of the Golden Wheel Casino. The business venture is short-lived when his partner, Rand Storm, is shot to death by Flo Baker. Storm was a notorious ladies' man and Flo, a female entertainer, was resisting his advances. Just before he dies, Rand tells his younger brother, Luke, that the shooting was an accident. But Luke has Beau framed for murder so that he can take over the business.
Toil and trouble overcome Bret when he tangles with two burly thieves and their enchanting sister (Anita Sands) — who claims she's a witch.
Two Army shopkeepers, Marsh and Lawson, have been cheating the local Indian tribes by supplying them with faulty or inferior goods. When one of the tribeswomen named Pale Moon threatens to report them to the Army Commission, the shopkeepers decide to start a war with the Indians. They know the Army will not investigate the woman's claim if they are at war. Marsh and Lawson murder Pale Moon's brother and pin the crime on the stranger who won $2,500 from them the night before - Beau Maverick.
Inheriting a stagecoach line from Uncle Micah is only the beginning of financial problems for the Maverick brothers.
Beau Maverick befriends a prospector named Ebenezer Bolt. Maverick is unaware that Bolt is the partner of notorious horse thief Benson January. An angry posse mistakes Beau for January and is determined to hang him. A young lawyer manages to halt the proceedings until Maverick can have a trial. Beau's conviction seems imminent when the lawyer locates a notorious ""hanging judge"" and a woman whose sister was engaged to January identifies Maverick as the horse thief.
Beau Maverick crashes a party in Virginia City thrown by eccentric socialite Kiz Bouchet. Kiz has a penchant for smoking cigars, playing poker, and fighting fires. Recognizing Beau as a fellow free spirit, she hires him to protect her. She believes her life is in danger. Beau discovers that Kiz's cousin Melissa, along with family doctor Pittman and attorney Hanford, are plotting to have Kiz judged incompent so they can split her $2 million inheritance. Beau comes up with a scheme to turn the tables on Melissa.
Chivalrous Bart saves the life of a beautiful woman. His reward? A place on the wanted list for robbery and murder.
The Fenians, an Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood, are trained soldiers sworn to free Ireland from British rule. The Fenians have gathered in Dakota City to plan a march into Canada where they want to take hold of a small part of British property hostage in exchange for Ireland's freedom. After England pressures the United States to intervene, Beau Maverick is blackmailed into infiltrating the Fenians ranks by a shrewd Army colonel.
Bart substitutes a rock-filled suitcase for a fortune in gold to foil hijacking plans of phony sheriff Dan Trevor (Peter Breck).
Proving once again that he's basically nonviolent, Bart witnesses a battle of bullets that leaves him stunned — and almost dead.
In New Mexico, Beau Maverick is taken for over $4,500 ($4,000 of which belong to his friend Jerry O'Brien) by con artists Warren and Crippen and Warren's granddaughter Rosanne. Beau tries to recover the money and even takes the threesome to court, but they outsmart him every time. Beau is so demoralized by the constant defeats, he believes he has disgraced the Maverick name - until Rosanne tells him that her grandmother was a Maverick.
Thinking all's well with the world after he cleans up in a card game, Bart offers to help a troubled young woman.
Beau Maverick wins half-ownership in the Blue Bell Saloon in Arizona. In an attempt to raise funds for the floundering business, Beau and his partner Charlotte become partners with a mysterious gold prospector known only as the Dutchman. Along the trail to Superstition Mountain where the gold is located, Beau, Charlotte, and the Dutchman encounter danger in various forms.
After discovering a long-lost body encased in ice, Bart finds himself in hot water.
Con artist Ferguson knocks Beau Maverick unconscious during an unsuccessful attempt to hoist a priceless diamond necklace from a French countess. Ferguson claims that the countess' diamond is fake and that he was in the process of replacing it with the real thing when Beau startled him. Ferguson offers Maverick $5,000 to switch diamonds. Beau is being set up for robbery by Ferguson and his equally devious wife.
Good-guy Bart warns the wrong people that their hosts are murderers — and ends up as the next possible victim.
Outside Denver, Colorado, Beau and his friend, Judge Scott, find shelter during a blizzard at the home of Martha Flood and her niece Sally. Martha and the judge are plotting to institutionalize Sally in order to take over her inheritance. However, Martha's lover, a professional killer named Chet Whitehead plans to kill Sally, the judge, and Maverick.
Bart has a lot of explaining to do: the bank has been robbed — and his saddlebags are bulging with stolen loot.
Beau Maverick stumbles onto the cave site meeting place of five outlaws. They were summoned by a bandit named Jess in order to plan a big job. Mavrick passes himself as the notorious Texas outlaw Red Dog. The outlaws become suspicious of Beau when he declines to join them in a $500,000 bank robbery scheme.
Bart's in jail: he's the unfortunate — and helpless — victim of mistaken identity.
Cowardly George Parker (Alan Hewitt) offers Doc Holliday a tempting reward. All Doc has to do is kill his best friend — Bart.
Brent (Robert Colbert) joins the series in true Maverick style: he gets involved with two beautiful women — and is thrown in jail for gambling.
Bart matches wits — and bullets — with a professional gunman... and learns that a beautiful woman can be more deadly than hired killers.
In typical Maverick tradition, cousin Brent gets involved with two beautiful sisters — one of whom is planning to do him in.
Bart just made the deal of a lifetime: he blindly purchased a wagonload of merchandise — including a bound and gagged Indian girl.
The Apaches catch Bart red-handed with a wagonload of liquor and a kidnapped Indian girl — and that means war.
5. Staffel 5 (13 Episoden)
Bart tries to track down Pearly Gates, a smooth con man who cheated him out of $5000.
When investors put the squeeze on railroad owner Paul Sutton, Bart tries to help by dealing with them directly — in a friendly card game.
Bart forsakes the poker table for the stock market — and finds himself trying to bluff wealthy Loftus Jaggers and his glamorous daughter (Paula Raymond).
Bart must either face two years in jail or chaperone three brides to their intendeds — the sons of wealthy Joe Wheelwright (Jim Backus).
Bart feels like a million when he wins a bank in a poker game. But unlucky Maverick soon learns the truth: the bank's broke — and so is he.
Bart's latest poker adventure has him playing for a full house: the lives of his fellow stagecoach passengers.
After being granted a wish by a ""leprechaun,"" Bart faces a pot of trouble: he must be either jailed, murdered or married.
Bart, waiting to collect on a $10,000 IOU, makes an uncomfortable observation: murder may be the pay-off in a gambler's life.
Crusading newspaper publisher Bart? The publisher Bart won the rag from is assassinated and a corrupt U.S. Senator files a $100,000 libel suit against the Chronicle. Luckily, Bart's pal Doc Holiday is in town for a dentists' convention and owes Bart $2000. When Doc brags "I have enough collateral to raise the dead!", Bart feels no compunction in selling ½ the headache to Doc. The senator and his sinister political boss are Ivy Leaguers, so the suave Philadelphia dentist/hired gun will come in handy.
Bart is closer to tears than laughter when he is forced to battle the funniest — and fastest — gun in the West.
Life is anything but heaven when Bart meets Pearly Gates and his girl, who steal Maverick's poker winnings — so they can be married.
A money-making machine costs Bart a bundle. His cousin (Kathy Bennett) has just bought one — with the $10,000 he lent her.
While trying to get a young girl's romance back on the right track, Bart gets involved in a train robbery to end all train robberies.

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