Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders

SERIE • 2 Staffeln • Abenteuer, Action, Horror, Drama, Mystery, Krimi, Thriller, Sonstige • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2016


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Ihre Bewertung

Chef der Truppe ist der erfahrene Ermittler Jack Garrett der von Computerexperte Russ “Monty” Montgomery der Kultur-Expertin und Anthropologin Clara Seger Profiler Matthew “Matt” Simmons und Gerichtsmedizinerin Mae Jarvis unterstützt wird.

Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Colin Bucksey
Französisch, Polnisch, Ungarisch, Italienisch, Englisch, Deutsch
Gary Sinise, Daniel Henney, Tyler James Williams, Annie Funke, Alana de la Garza, Alana De La Garza, Joe Mantegna, Keong Sim, Nora Rothman, Austin Saunders, Scott Alin, Doua Moua, Eck Stone, Jerry O\'Donnell, Conn Barrett, Fawnda McMahan, Austin Brooks, Laura Carson, Sydney Viengluang, Christopher Naoki Lee, Scott Ly, Jim Ounniyom
Französisch, Polnisch, Ungarisch, Italienisch, Englisch, Deutsch


1. Staffel 1 (13 Episoden)
Chef der Truppe ist der erfahrene Ermittler Jack Garrett der von Computerexperte Russ “Monty” Montgomery der Kultur-Expertin und Anthropologin Clara Seger Profiler Matthew “Matt” Simmons und Gerichtsmedizinerin Mae Jarvis unterstützt wird.
Der Jäger
Garrett and his unit travel to Thailand when three American volunteers go missing during a trek to Bangkok. Once there, former colleague Clara Seger, a cultural anthropologist, helps them rush to gather evidence leading to the UnSub before a storm threatens to wash it away,
Werlos im Leben, wertvoll im Tod
When an American man attending a festival in Mumbai wakes up missing a kidney and his friend gone, the International Response Team’s investigation leads them to suspect the UnSub is more than just trading organs on the Black Market.
The International Response Team heads to Cairo when an Egyptian-American former U.S. serviceman is killed in a gas attack there and his friend goes missing.
Der flüsternde Tod
The team travels to Japan to assist local law enforcement in investigating homicides made to look like suicides. Meanwhile, Mae encourages Clara to get out and enjoy herself.
Das einsame Herz
The International Response Team heads to Paris to search for an UnSub targeting Americans who live there.
The International Response Team heads to Belize to search for a couple who disappears while on their honeymoon in what appears to be a targeted abduction.
Im Namen der Hoffnung
The International Response Team travels to Morocco when a retired couple from Idaho is kidnapped while visiting the country on a cruise.
Der verlorene Sohn
When a woman vacationing in Mexico with her family is the victim of foul play, the International Response Team investigates her husband as the prime suspect when he flees.
Die Sehnsucht und der Tod
When an American girl leaves home to meet her boyfriend in Turkey, the International Response Team suspects she’s in trouble after being tricked by someone posing as her boyfriend.
Mord verjährt nicht
When an American college student working in Johannesburg is killed and his brother goes missing, the International Response Team suspects a gang could be behind both. Jack works the case with Lieutenant Ananda Doshi, a profiler he’s worked with before who has an unorthodox style of investigation.
Die Ballade von Nick und Natalie
When American victims are found in different locations throughout Cuba, the International Response Team heads to the island nation to search for possible spree killers.
Der Stierlauf
The IRT heads to Pamplona, Spain, for the running of the bulls, where the ears of a missing American tourist are found.
When the daughter of an American family visiting Haiti to adopt a child is kidnapped, the International Response Team travels to the island nation to try to find her. Also, Jack and his wife, Karen, prepare to send their daughter to college.
2. Staffel 2 (13 Episoden)
Chef der Truppe ist der erfahrene Ermittler Jack Garrett der von Computerexperte Russ “Monty” Montgomery der Kultur-Expertin und Anthropologin Clara Seger Profiler Matthew “Matt” Simmons und Gerichtsmedizinerin Mae Jarvis unterstützt wird.
Verlorene Seelen
Unit Chief Jack Garrett and his international response team are called to Tanzania when a 23-member church group disappears.
Fürchtet mich
When two casualties resemble the M.O. of the most notorious killer in Italian history, the International Response Team is called to investigate.
The International Response Team investigates the apparent suicide of an American in Colombia who emptied his bank account prior to his death.
Nur für Dich
The International Response Team head to South Korea when an American college student is found disfigured. Also, Simmons fulfills his mother’s last dying wish to find his grandmother.
Böses Erwachen
The International Response Team investigates when two American entrepreneurs disappear while conducting business in Bangladesh.
Beschleunigtes Verfahren
When two American flight attendants go missing while in Singapore, the International Response Team is called in to investigate.
La Santa Muerte
When a night of partying ends tragically for an American 18-year-old in Tijuana, the International Response Team is called to investigate.
When an American visiting Greece to get more involved in his family's business is found beaten in a rough part of Athens, the International Response Team is called to investigate.
Der Hinterhalt
The International Response Team is investigated by the FBI after a mission in Kurjikistan results in the death of a suspect.
Violette Orchideen
The International Response Team is called to Taipei when it appears an American committed a crime that is similar to an unsolved case in New York.
When the body of an American singer is found on a rural road in the blue mountains of Jamaica, the International Response Team is called to investigate.
Das International Response Team sucht nach dem Mörder einer Teilnehmerin eines Yogacamps in Nepal. Monty (Tyler James Williams) begleitet dabei das Team zum ersten Mal auf internationaler Mission.
Alte Feinde
The International Response Team travels to Russia when an American ballerina is kidnapped, and Jack tangles with an ex-KBG agent who escaped from prison.

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