Medical Detectives – Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin

SERIE • 14 Staffeln • Dokumentation, Drama, Krimi • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 1996


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Wer streamt "Medical Detectives – Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin"

Medical Detectives zeigt Berichte über spektakuläre, tatsächlich vorgefallene Kriminalfälle aus den USA. Erhalte faszinierende Einblicke, wie diese Fälle mit Hilfe der wissenschaftlichen Spurensuche und der forensischen Medizin gelöst wurden - auch wenn das Verbrechen schon Jahrzehnte zurück liegt. Neben Ballistikern und Medizinern finden sich auch Kollegen aus anderen Disziplinen am Tatort. Auch deutsche Experten melden sich zu Wort. Sie alle benutzen die "Waffen der Wissenschaft", um mysteriöse Mordfälle aufzudecken.

Wo läuft "Medical Detectives – Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin"?

"Medical Detectives – Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
RTL+, RTL Crime Amazon Channel.

Forensic Files
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Peter Thomas


1. Staffel 1 (16 Episoden)
Mord in Serie
Mitte der 80er Jahre werden in den Bergen in der Nähe von Sacramento und im San Joaquin Valley in Kalifornien drei Frauenleichen gefunden. Alle Frauen wurden erdrosselt, ihre Haare abgeschnitten, ihre Kleidung in einem wahllosen Muster aufgeschnitten.
Verräterische Abdrücke
Mark Fair findet seine Verlobte Karla Brown in der 12.000-Seelen-Stadt Wood River in Illinois in ihrem gemeinsamen Haus ermordet auf: auf ihren Knien, von der Taille abwärts nackt, die Hände auf den Rücken gefesselt, den Kopf in einem mit Wasser gefüllten Wäschekorb.
Eigen Fleisch und Blut
Robert und Paula Sims leben in Alton / Illinois. Sie haben zwei Kinder: Sohn Randy und Tochter Heather. Sechs Wochen nach Heathers Geburt, am 29. April 1989, bringt Paula gegen 22:30 Uhr den Müll nach draußen, als eine maskierte, bewaffnete Person sie ins Haus zurückdrängt und ihr einen Schlag auf den Kopf versetzt.
Mord auf Raten
Am 12. September 1978 wurde der 11 Monate alte Chad Shelton in ein Krankenhaus in Omaha eingeliefert, weil er sich fortwährend erbrach. Seine Eltern gaben zu Protokoll, dass auch sie selbst einige Tage zuvor dieselben Symptome wie ihr Sohn gehabt hätten.
Rendezvous mit dem Tod
Eines Tages wird die 23-jährige Tina Biggar von ihrem Freund Todd Nurnberger bei der Polizei als vermisst gemeldet.
Explosive Botschaft
Alabama: Richter Bob Vance öffnet ein Paket, das eine Bombe enthält. Bei der Explosion kommt er ums Leben. Seine Frau wird schwer verletzt.
Spuren ins Ungewisse
Wie schon so oft, gehen Martin Dillon und Dr. Stephen Sher gemeinsam auf die Jagd. Die beiden Männer und ihre Ehefrauen sind schon seit Jahren eng befreundet, doch das ändert sich an diesem Tag: Am Ende der Jagd ist Martin tot – erschossen von einer Kugel aus Stephens Waffe.
Tödliche Gefühle
Kurz vor Weihnachten wartet Andrew Katrinak auf seine 26-jährige Frau Joann und seinen vier Monate alten Sohn Alex, die Weihnachtseinkäufe machen wollten. Als sie nicht auftaucht, meldet er sie als vermisst. 200 Meter von ihrem Zuhause entfernt wird Joanns Wagen gefunden.
Jim Reid und seine Frau Tanya lebten anscheinend ein perfektes Leben. Zu ihrem Glück gesellte sich noch die Geburt ihrer zweiten Tochter Morgan Renee.
In den frühen Morgenstunden erwacht Terri Hinson von den Schreien ihrer beiden Kinder Brittany (vier Jahre) und ihrem 17 Monate alten Sohn Joshua.
Böses Blut
Weil der renommierte Herzchirurg Dr. Daryl Sutorius seit seiner Scheidung an Depressionen leidet, empfehlen ihm seine Freunde, sein Glück über eine Partnervermittlung zu versuchen.
Die Unterschrift des Täters
An einem Sommertag wird das Haus des Polizisten Matt Bachmeier durch ein Feuer komplett zerstört. Die Ermittler vermuten Brandstiftung, zumal an eine Wand des Hauses in großen Lettern die Worte „Rios lebt“ gesprüht wurden.
Tödliche Täuschung
An einem Herbsttag verlässt Laura, eine allein stehende Frau, ihr Haus in Maryland, das sie zusammen mit ihrer Mutter bewohnt, um zur Arbeit zu gehen.
Morgengrauen – 1/2
Morgengrauen – 2/2
In heimischen Gefilden – 2/2
2. Staffel 2 (13 Episoden)
Verwischte Spuren
Seit einigen Tagen ist die 47-Jährige Pearl Bruns spurlos verschwunden. Ihr Ehemann William behauptet, er sei einkaufen gefahren und habe seine Frau seither nicht mehr gesehen.
Falsche Fährten
In this classic episode of Forensic Files, the longest running true crime series in television history, Eileen and Derrick Severs disappeared from their home in the small village of Hambleton in Great Britain, and police found evidence which suggested foul play. Careful analysis of a soil sample would tell investigators not only what happened to the couple, but who was responsible for the dirty deed.
Zweifelhafte Zeugen
Für die mysteriösen Grippesymptome von Peggy Carr findet sich scheinbar keine medizinische Erklärung. Erst ein Neurologe stellt zufällig fest, dass seine Patientin offenbar an den Folgen einer Thallium-Vergiftung leidet. Als das tödliche Gift schließlich Peggys Leben ein Ende setzt, gerät ihr Ehemann Pye unter Mordverdacht, obwohl dessen psychologisches Profil nicht dem eines Killers entspricht.
Rekonstruktion des Todes
Nach dem spurlosen Verschwinden von Ruby Morris gerät bald ihr Ehemann Earl ins Fadenkreuz der Ermittlungen. Im Badezimmer gefundene Blutspuren legen den Schluss nahe, dass Ruby einen schweren Schlag auf den Kopf erlitten haben muss. Während die Indizienlast immer erdrückender wird, bleibt der Mordverdächtige standhaft bei der Geschichte, seine Frau habe Selbstmord begangen.
Tödliche Familienbande
In einer 24-Stunden-Tankstelle in Holt, Michigan, wird die Angestellte Wanda Mason hinter der Kasse erschossen aufgefunden. Die Polizei verhaftet einen Verdächtigen, dem man den Mord aber nicht nachweisen kann.
Bis dass der Tod uns scheidet
In a quiet village in Great Britain, a farmer came upon a chilling sight. Impaled on his fence post was a severed lamb’s head along with a note which read, “You next.” The author of the note didn’t elaborate on why the farmer had been targeted, but between the lines, he’d said plenty.
Tod im Rotlichtmilieu
An infant was rushed to a Cleveland emergency room with serious breathing problems. The baby’s lungs were bleeding, a life threatening, extremely rare condition. Within months, there were more than 30 cases – an incidence more than a thousand times higher than anywhere else in the world. Doctors had never seen anything like it, and searched frantically for the cause and a cure.
Grausame Funde
Bei "Medical Detectives" geht es um spektakuläre Kriminalfälle aus dem echten Leben. Die Ermittler setzen bei ihren Arbeiten die neuesten Errungenschaften der Wissenschaft ein. Denn oft sind diese entscheidend, um die richtigen Spuren zu finden.
Die 19-jährige Jane Lewis und ihr Freund verirren sich bei einem Campingausflug in Virginia und schlafen schließlich in ihrem Auto. Sie werden von einem bewaffneten Mann in Tarnuniform überfallen, der Jane mehrmals vergewaltigt.
Unter Verdacht
For more than a year, angry, hateful letters were sent to a first grade school teacher in a small town in Pennsylvania. When scientists analyzed the letters, they found evidence that the stalker knew a lot about the victim - more, in fact, than anyone could possibly have imagined. DNA analysis would eventually help seal the perpetrator's fate.
Auf der Flucht
Bei "Medical Detectives" geht es um spektakuläre Kriminalfälle aus dem echten Leben. Die Ermittler setzen bei ihren Arbeiten die neuesten Errungenschaften der Wissenschaft ein. Denn oft sind diese entscheidend, um die richtigen Spuren zu finden.
Mörderische Verwandschaft
Das Ehepaar Eileen und Derek Severs wird von Freunden als vermisst gemeldet. Die Polizei durchsucht das Haus der Severs und verhört deren Sohn Roger. Obwohl keine Leichen gefunden werden, nimmt man Roger unter Mordverdacht fest.
Tödliche Substanzen
Als Peggy Carr an einer Thallium-Vergiftung stirbt, gilt ihr Mann Pye zunächst als Hauptverdächtiger. Doch dann gerät der Nachbar der Carrs ins Visier der Ermittler: Er hat offenbar besondere Erfahrungen mit Thallium.
3. Staffel 3 (13 Episoden)
Spur des Verschwindens
Bei "Medical Detectives" geht es um spektakuläre Kriminalfälle aus dem echten Leben. Die Ermittler setzen bei ihren Arbeiten die neuesten Errungenschaften der Wissenschaft ein. Denn oft sind diese entscheidend, um die richtigen Spuren zu finden.
Moerderische Gene
In the mid-1980s, bodies of nude woman were found in remote hill of California. The police got a break when a known prostitute escaped an attacker and was able to identify him and his automobile. The suspect was 50-year-old Roger Kibbe. A criminalist was assigned to review the evidence in the case. Human hair found on one of the victims was similar to several hairs recovered from Kibbe's inner thighs. He was later charged with first-degree murder.
Toedliche Bakterien
In 1987, a human skull and some bones were discovered at a Boy Scout Camp near Farmington, Missouri. Also found were some blue jeans, which helped determine the approximate height and weight of the victim. A facial reconstruction helped the investigators in this case. The victim was identified as Bun Chee Nyhuis and her husband Richard H. Nyhuis was now the prime suspect. Nyhuis was an assistant scoutmaster, which explained why his wife's remains were discovered at a scout camp and, eventually, he confessed to killing his wife. Richard H. Nyhuis was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison.
In der Falle
Between 1986 and 1989, a disease swept through British cattle herds. The disease came to be known as the Mad-cow disease. Scientist began to suspect that this was somehow related to some human illness. A California neurologist, said both humans and animals were suffering from a mutated prion. When defective prions are transmitted from an infected host to a new host, they convert any normal prions they come across into copies of themselves. So it is possible for a mutated prion to be transmitted from a cow to a person by eating beef. Dr. Stanley B. Prusiner received a Nobel prize for his work with prion.
Hund Katze Mord
In this classic episode of Forensic Files, the longest running true crime series in television history, a serial bomber was waging a vendetta against the legal profession: A judge, two attorneys and even a courthouse had been targeted. Employing a range of forensic techniques, investigators used evidence from the bombs to lead them to the perpetrator.
Toedliche Beziehung
Robert Sims returned home after working the night shift, and found his wife, Paula, unconscious on the kitchen floor. Their two-year-old son, Randy, was asleep in an upstairs bedroom, but their six-week-old daughter, Heather, was missing. Paula Sims was the only witness to a crime that baffles investigators to this very day.
Im Schatten des Gesetzes
The shooting of a man during a hunting trip is reopened years after the incident, and the victim's hunting partner becomes a suspect.
Zwischen Himmel und Erde
Bei "Medical Detectives" geht es um spektakuläre Kriminalfälle aus dem echten Leben. Die Ermittler setzen bei ihren Arbeiten die neuesten Errungenschaften der Wissenschaft ein. Denn oft sind diese entscheidend, um die richtigen Spuren zu finden.
Aussage gegen Aussage
Early one fall morning, Laura Houghteling left her Bethesda home and walked to the station to take a train to work. She was never seen again. A peculiar strand of hair found in Laura’s hairbrush enabled investigators to unravel the mystery of her disappearance.
Zeit der Warheit
Edward Honaker was convicted of rape, sodomy and aggravated sexual battery; he was sentenced to three life terms in prison. Honaker steadfastly maintained his innocence. After years in prison and writing countless letters, he finally found someone who believed him, and was willing to pay for DNA testing which could prove he was telling the truth.
Verhaengnisvolle Familienbande
On September 17, 1984, in a suburb of Tucson, Arizona, eight-year-old Vicki Hoskins left home on her pink bicycle to mail a letter for her mother. She never returned, but her slightly damaged bicycle was found nearby. Investigators turned to forensic science, in the hope it would tell them not only what happened to Vicki, but also who was responsible.
Zeugen der Opfer
When a two-year-old boy was rushed to the hospital suffering from brain seizures and breathing difficulties, doctors could not find the cause of his illness. Then the boy’s sister provided an important clue, and raised the possibility of a syndrome of which few had ever heard.
Netz aus Luegen
On a cold December night in 1993, Rose Larner stopped in a convenience store on her way to her boyfriend’s house. She was never seen or heard from again. Rose’s disappearance remained a mystery, until a tiny clue found years later revealed a tragic tale of drugs, romance and revenge.
4. Staffel 4 (14 Episoden)
Schwarze Witwen – 1/2
Police received a call from Darlie Routier one morning telling them of her two sons' murders. However, police were unsure about the validity of Darlie's story and began an intensive search of the crime seen. The police determined the killer by analyzing blood spatter, doing behavioral profiling and analyzing Darlie's 911 call. The evidence proved that Darlie killed her two oldest sons with a knife, inflicted wounds on herself, cleaned the evidence and created a story of a crazed intruder who had come in the house. Darlie's motive was to obtain the $5,000 each of her sons had in a bank account.
Schwarze Witwen – 2/2
Scott Dunn was missing and when the police sprayed his bedroom with Luminol, a scene of horrific violence emerged. Now investigators faced a daunting task: to prove Scott Dunn had been murdered, even though they had no body, no weapon, and no witnesses
Nachricht aus dem Jenseits – 1/2
Debora Green lost two children in a fire that burnt down her mansion late one night. Routine procedures occurred and both Debora Green and her previous husband Mike Farrar were questioned. Suspicions arose when Debora refused to cooperate during questioning. Police then questioned Mike and uncovered disturbing stories proving Debora was dangerous. She had poisoned Mike during their separation and told him he would only get custody of the children over their dead bodies. Debora's singed hair and the initial location of the fire proved her involvement in the arson.
Motive – 2/2
Shirley and Ed Andronowich were regulars at a neighborhood bar. One night, Ed decided to leave early and Shirley wanted to stay. There was a brief argument, and Ed went home alone. The next day, Shirley’s badly beaten and mutilated body was found outside of a nearby high school. The murder weapon was a 55-pound piece of concrete. It was up to investigators to determine what had happened to Shirley Andronowich and who was responsible.
Nachricht aus dem Jenseits – 2/2
Five-year-old Melissa Brannen disappeared from a Christmas party in 1989. The fibers on her clothes were the only means for police to determine her abductor. Police grew suspicious of Cal Hughes who was washing his clothes at 1am when they came to his home. They searched his car and found several fibers similar to the clothes Melissa had worn to the party. However, there was no way to test the fibers until an investigator's wife remembered seeing Melissa's outfit in a catalog. The same outfit was taken from another customer and tested. The fibers matched and Cal Hughes was convicted of abduction with intent to harm.
Diagnose Selbstmord – 2/2
The doctors at the hospital couldn’t determine the cause of Bobby Curley’s hallucinations and intense pain. At first, they treated it as a neurological disorder, but Bobby’s condition deteriorated. Something he was being given in the hospital wasn’t curing him, it was killing him.
Vorsicht giftig! – 2/2
Two young boys were found tied and murdered with similar wounds within three months of each other. The rope used to tie the boys was very unique: it was made of left-over garbage in South Korea and used by the air force. Another clue turned up when one of the boy's brother was hypnotised and remembered a uniformed man in a tan car. Shortly after, someone noticed a strange car and gave the licence plate number to police. This vital information led to the conviction of John Joubert, an air force-enlisted man who carried the same exact rope used to bind the two boys.
Eine Frage der Zeit – 2/2
Karla Brown was the youngest of three girls in the Brown family. After many failed relationships, Karla became engaged to Mark Fair. The couple began moving into their dream home in June 1978. On the morning of June 20, Mark left for work and Karla remained at home. When Mark and a friend returned home that evening, they found Karla dead. The condition of Karla's body told investigators that she was a victim of sexual assault; she had resisted, struggled, and was killed. The Police questioned Paul Main and John Prante, who lived across the street. They were considered low-level suspects. After a second autopsy, they were able to re-examine bite marks. A Computer enhancement gave a better view of the bite marks, and the science of forensic odontology identified John Prante. On July 15, 1983, five years after the murder, Prante was found guilty and sentenced to 75 years in prison.
Zeugen der Anklage – 1/2
Clayton Johnson, a Nova Scotia schoolteacher, left for work on the morning of February 20, 1989. At 7.40 AM, the school bus arrived to pick up the Johnson children. At 7.51 Mrs. Molloy arrived to drop off her child at the Johnson home. She found Janice Johnson lying at the bottom of the basement stairs in a pool of blood. Clayton Johnson later married a 22-year-old member of his Pentecostal congregation. When homicide investigator Brian Oldford heard this, he became suspicious and decided to reinvestigate. He learned that Clayton had taken out a $125,000 life insurance policy on his first wife, Janice, shortly before she died. Clayton Johnson was charged with the first-degree murder. By examining the photos and nature of the injuries, they were convinced that she had fallen backwards. The accidental fall scenario would also account for the complete lack of defensive wounds on Mrs. Johnson or Mr. Johnson. Testimony was presented to the Canadian high courts and a decision is pending.
Schriftliches Vermächtnis – 1/2
At 16 months of age, Anne Grace Gimmenstad became very ill and was rushed to the hospital, and within two weeks died. Following extensive medical examinations, it was determined that Anna had been the victim of the deadly bacteria E-Coli. Anna'a mother recalled a trip to the grocery store when Anna pointed excitedly at her favorite drink, Odwalla apple juice. As early as 1993, tests on samples of Odwalla juices found high levels of general bacteria. Federal and state inspections reports confirm that the company used two loads of apples with relatively high defect levels on the day the juice was made. The genetic markings on the E-Coli in the victims matched the bacteria found in the product bottled that day. Odwalla pleaded guilty to violating Federal food safety laws and agreed to pay a $1.5 million fine for the outbreak of E-Coli in its juices.
Tatorte – 1/2
On the evening of January 9, 1967, Lori Keidel, her two sisters, and her brother were left home alone while their father went to a nearby laundromat. Suddenly, a large blaze engulfed their brick ranch home. Only a few months earlier, the children's mother disappeared, and had made no effort to contact them. Finally, on June 9, 1993, Lori found the courage to tell police the vision that had possessed her for 29 years. The most shocking revelation was that Lori had witnessed her mother's death. On September 14, 1994, an eight by nine foot square of concrete was removed from the side yard, and a skeleton was found in the exact spot her youngest daughter remembered as being her grave. Gene Keidel was arrested for his wife's murder nearly 30 years after her death. Gene was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Schriftliches Vermächtnis – 2/2
Merril Bahe and Florena Woody grew up in starkly different conditions on an Indian reservation that crossed the borders of New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. The couple soon engaged, and they moved into the Woody family home. On April 29, 1993, Florena started complaining of muscle aches in her back and shoulders. On May 6, her doctor gave her antibiotics for her condition. Florena later died; she simply drowned in the fluid generated by her illness. Doctors had no idea what had killed her. Meanwhile, Merril Bahe started experiencing similar symptoms, and on the day of Florena's funeral he was sent to the hospital, but died on the way there. Investigators found deer mice tested positive for a new form of the hanta virus. They determined that contact with the feces of the deer mice was what had caused the disease, and that when the feces dried, the deadly microbe became airborne.
Mörderischer Hausbesuch – 1/2
Ed and Julie Thigpen Post were a happy, successful couple. But the morning of June 3, 1986 would change the lives of Ed and Julie forever. At 7 am, Ed went for a 40-minute jog. Before leaving he drew a bath for his wife. At 7:40 am, Ed returned to the Omni Hotel, and at 7:43, he called the front desk and said that his wife had fallen in the bathtub and was not breathing. George Hollacher conducted a full-scale investigation in the background of Ed Post. The first red flag went up when the investigators discovered that Ed had a $700,000 life insurance policy on Julie. A second autopsy was performed by Dr. Paul McGarry. He found 36 areas of bruising, not noted during the original autopsy. The death was ruled a homicide and Ed Post was charged with the first-degree murder of his wife. The trial ended in 1989, and Ed was found guilty of first-degree murder. After serving six and a half years, Ed admitted to the drowning of his wife.
Episode 26
5. Staffel 5 (19 Episoden)
Versunkene Wahrheiten
Bei "Medical Detectives" geht es um spektakuläre Kriminalfälle aus dem echten Leben. Die Ermittler setzen bei ihren Arbeiten die neuesten Errungenschaften der Wissenschaft ein. Denn oft sind diese entscheidend, um die richtigen Spuren zu finden.
Netz aus Lügen – 1/2
When the wife of a well-known dentist is found dead, police are unsure who killed her. Some fibers and a study of the weather patterns on the night of the murder break the case open and reveal the real killer.
Mörderische Verwandtschaft – 2/2
When a young mother and her infant son are found dead in a cornfield, the obvious suspect is the husband and father of the victims. But some insects found on the bodies reveal a vital clue, as does a long, blonde hair found on the victims.
Nebel des Grauens – 2/2
When a decomposed body is discovered inside a barrel, police immediately suspect foul play. But the body had been placed there 30 years earlier. One of the few clues was an address book found along with the body but years of moisture had washed away the ink. Scientists desperately searched for a way to unlock the secrets of that address book.
Dokument des Todes – 1/2
In this classic episode of Forensic Files, the longest running true crime series in television history, a Seattle policeman’s home is destroyed by an arsonist. One month later, the officer arrests a low-level drug dealer, who confesses to the arson. But when the suspect vanishes, investigators begin to question the authenticity of his confession.
Unsichtbare Helfer – 2/2
Dianna Green was just 20 years-old and pregnant when she was brutally raped and beaten in her apartment. The assault caused the death of her unborn baby. When Dianna came out of a coma 3 weeks later, she told police she knew the identity of her attacker. But was her memory accurate?
Explosive Botschaft – 1/2
A mother and her two young daughters are found brutally murdered. The crime scene yielded a good deal of evidence, but no conclusive link to the prime suspect. To solve the puzzle, an FBI analyst designs a unique experiment.
Verräterische Abdrücke – 1/2
A young girl is found dead, the victim of an apparent sex-killer. Authorities are intrigued by unusual orange fibers embedded in clothing found near the victim. Months pass and the case goes cold, until a van turns up with what appear to be the same orange fibers.
Lebenslänglich – 1/2
In the back woods of Georgia, in a dilapidated house, a 49 year old recluse named Virginia Ridley was found dead. A medical examiner ruled the death a homicide. But who would murder someone who seldom ventured out of her home? Investigators found some clues in the notes she had written shortly before her death.
Dem Täter auf der Spur – 1/2
Why do children at a Texas hospital seem to be dying at a higher rate than at any other hospital in the country? Medical investigators have no answers until they discover that one nurse seems to be on-duty in almost all the fatal cases. But proving the connection seems impossible until an international team of doctors uncovers an unlikely murder weapon.
Zeugen der Anklage – 2/2
When the decomposed body of a young girl is discovered, police have no clues to her identity. But days earlier, a stabbing victim told them she thought she might have witnessed a murder. Police think the cases might be related, and to prove it, they turn to an unusual piece of evidence: a tiny wad of chewing gum found near the victim’s body.
Kindheitstrauma – 1/2
At the age of 12, a boy's testimony helped convict the man who murdered his mother. Five years later, discrepancies in the autopsy lead him to question if the murdered woman really was his mother. If it wasn't, an innocent man had been sent to prison.
Die Unterschrift des Täters – 1/2
Some of the refugees who sought asylum in the United States after World War II lied about the atrocities in which they’d participated. Years later, when a high-ranking religious figure was suspected of war crimes, there seemed to be no way to prove his guilt or innocence... until a postcard allegedly written by him 40 years earlier was found in a German archive.
Pfad der Wahrheit – 2/2
Don't make a tape recording if you don't want to get caught, especially if it's the 2nd husband that has died mysteriously. Watch Forensic Files to get the answer.
Teuflisches Profil – 1/2
A Canadian financier assumed the name of a co-worker as part of a money-laundering scheme. The man turned up dead in the ocean, with an anchor tied around his torso. Police hoped to identify him with a tattoo and the watch he was wearing. But it would be the ten-pound anchor which enabled them to crack the case.
Mord in Serie – 2/2
Cincinnati heart surgeon Dr. Darryl Sutorius had a second chance at love when he married a pretty, young divorcee, but happiness is sometimes elusive. Dr. Sutoruis fell into a serious depression and apparently commited suicide with a .38-caliber pistol. But why did he fire a test shot into the sofa cushion before killing himself?
Dokument des Todes – 2/2
When a prosecutor discovers evidence linking a habitual drunk driver to a hit-and-run in which a child is killed, he combines the talents of an accident reconstruction expert with a video specialist. This case was the first in which video in the courtroom withstood an appeal, and helped make “video testimony” viable in other cases.
Brandgefährlich – 2/2
In 1998, a convience store clerk in Lansing, Michigan, was shot to death during a robbery. No one else was in the store at the time. But there was an eye witness, a security camera. Unfortunately, the story it told was far from clear.
Die Unterschrift des Täters – 2/2
When 23-year-old college co-ed Tina Biggar goes missing, her boyfriend and family fear she has been murdered. A police investigation reveals details about her past that no one, not even her closest friends, suspected: She was a student by day and a $100-an-hour call-girl by night. Her many clients were all suspects in her disappearance, as was her boyfriend. But when her body is discovered, police obtain evidence that reveals that her killer was former client Kenneth Tranchida, as well as more details about her bizarre double-life and its tragic consequences.
6. Staffel 6 (30 Episoden)
Suche nach Wahrheit – 2/2
A young woman was reported missing after a fight with her husband. She was presumed to be dead and her husband was the prime suspect. Police were suspicious of a secondary suspect when he reported a suspicious fire in his car. Two tiny drops of blood were found in the burned interior. Traditional DNA testing was difficult, since there was no body for DNA comparison. But a tiny clue inside the suspect's watchband and a popular television show helped solve the case.
Verhängnisvolle Kündigung – 2/2
In 1991, Maine resident Pearl Smith is missing after an argument with her husband Bill Bruns. Despite pleas from her children, police insist on treating it as a routine missing person's case. But, when an investigation turns up a blood trail that leads to the couple's basement, police are sure they'll find the victim's body. Initially, they find nothing and the case stalls, until new forensic technology helps investigators find the body. The investigators first use luminal over the cleaned carpet to reveal the blood spatter on the floor and a path down to the basement. Then, they use ground penetrating radar to scan the basement for radiation; they found three feet down, excavated rusted sand everywhere except in a certain area. The body had absorbed the rust and was found there.
Verhängnisvolle Kündigung – 1/2
In 1989, 4-year-old April Loveless was found dead in the backyard of her Texas home. Her mother Debbie Loveless and step-father John Miller told police that she was attacked and killed by the family dogs. Investigators did not agree and believed that April's wounds were not dog bites at all, but slashing injuries, consistent with a knife wound. John and Debbie were found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Five years later, the parent's prayers were answered when a forensic scientist saw something in the crime scene photographs that had been missed the first time around.
Spiel mit dem Feuer – 1/2
In 1995, police in San Diego, CA, are baffled by a pair of hands found in a dumpster. Through further investigation, they determine that the hands are those of missing person Don Hardin. With this knowledge, the police focus on local homeless man Dale Whitmer, whom had lived with Hardin around the time of his disappearance. However, they can find no solid, forensic evidence on Whitmer and the case goes cold. About a year later, investigators receive an anonymous letter with information about the crime that had been withheld from the press – information only the killer (or someone close to the killer) would know. Laser technology helps to identify the state, city, street address and even the office number from where the anonymous letter was mailed, which leads them to LDS (Mormon) Bishop Mark Davis. Davis cites the privilege between clergy and church member as a reason to not disclose the source of the information, but a judge rules that since Davis sent the letter, he must identify the source. The source was Dale Whitmer's daughter Andrea, who ultimately chooses to testify against her father.
Hüter des Gesetzes – 2/2
In 1993, 16-year-old Marie Robards suffered the devastating loss of her father Steve Robards. The death was ruled the result of cardiac arrest. One year later, she won a part in her high school production of Shakespeare's Hamlet. The lines she was required to recite onstage were more than the thoughts and feelings of her character; they struck a chord, and hinted at her own inner turmoil, from the secret she had been hiding: Barium acetate obtained in her high school chemistry class.
Hüter des Gesetzes – 1/2
In 1996, 17-month-old Josh Hinson died in a fire in his North Carolina home. A federal agency ruled that a fire was intentionally set and Josh's mother Terri Strickland was charged with murder. But are government scientists, with all of their resources, always right? Using the then-emerging resources of the Internet, Terri Strickland undertook her own investigation. An independent fire investigator was able to poke enough holes in the government's scientific conclusions to raise serious questions about whether the fire was intentionally set.
Versunkene Wahrheiten – 1/2
In 1988, when a patient identified as Gene Hanson dies unexpectedly in the office of California neurologist Richard Boggs, police begin what they think will be a routine investigation. What they find throws doubt on the time of death, the identity of Hanson and raises questions about the doctor's role in his death. Soon they uncover a bizarre story of corpse stealing, fake identities and sexual perversion – all part of an elaborate insurance case that will center on what actually caused the victim's death: a sex act gone wrong or premeditated murder?
Abgründe – 1/2
In 1992, two masked gunmen enter the Canadian home of Ward and Diana Maracle to rob them, but Ward was shot in the head. If a perpetrator leaves a shoe print in the mud, investigators use established techniques to make a mold of the shoe impression for later identification. In this case, the impression is left in the snow? Here's the story of one investigator, whose quick thinking and knowledge of science enabled him to capture a shoe impression made in snow, before the evidence melted away. Knowledge of the shoe led investigators to Peter Benedict and Frank Lanoue, who were convicted of aggravated assault and robbery.
Am frühen Morgen – 1/2
In 1992, 22-year-old Dawn Bruce was brutally murdered in her Virginia apartment. The killer left very little evidence, but investigators did notice a blood smear on a pillow case that appeared to have been made by one of the killer's fingers. New technology enabled investigators to identify a fingerprint from the cloth surface of the pillow case. This gave police the means to apprehend Robert Douglas Knight, who killed Dawn Bruce in a senseless act of revenge.
Freund oder Feind – 2/2
In 1981, six-year-old Cassie Hansen disappeared from her St. Paul, Minnesota church during a evening service. After a tip from a witness that an older man was seen carrying a small body, Cassie's body was found in a dumpster. The FBI created a psychological profile of the perpetrator, but are still unable to find the killer. Dorothy Noga contacted police to let them know that Stuart Knowlton was a massage client that liked to discuss his fantasies during his weekly massages and that one fantasy he spoke of closely resembled the church abduction, which caught her attention. Knowlton had also asked Noga to be his alibi on the night of the murder. Even though she was later attacked by Knowlton and stabbed 32 times, Noga testified against Knowlton in the trial. Knowlton died in prison in 2006.
Rätselhafte Gene – 2/2
In 1995, California model Linda Sobek goes missing. A park employee discovers photographs and some vital pieces of information in a dumpster, which eventually led investigators to professional photographer Charles Rathbun. Rathbun claims Sobek died during a consensual sexual encounter gone wrong, but Sobek's corpse and some high tech digital imagery tell a more sinister story.
Ohne Geständnis – 1/2
In 1998, an evening out at a Maryland murder mystery theatre performance turns into a real life whodunit when the badly burned body of Stephen Hricko is discovered in his hotel room after a fire. Upon initial investigation, it appeared to be an accidental fire. Lies, greed and medical trickery can't match the skills of forensic scientists, who bring the curtain down on the real killer, his wife Kimberly Hricko.
Ohne Geständnis – 2/2
In 1980, Michigan resident Shannon Mohr died in what was reported to be a horseback riding accident by her new husband David Davis. After her death, Shannon's family reported to police their suspicions that Davis seemed far from grief-stricken. Upon further investigation, police discovered a web of lies and a proficiency with pharmaceuticals in Davis' background, that provide an alternative explanation for the Shannon's accidental death.
Skrupellos – 2/2
For 15 months, a serial killer was strangling prostitutes in Florida, then taunting police by leaving the bodies in plain sight. The only clues were a tire impression and some threads. By the time scientists identify the source of these treads and the threads, police discover the killer James Randall was right under their noses the entire time.
Tödliche Bündnisse – 1/2
When police in the Great Plains are called to retrieve a dead body, they do a background check on the victim. The trail leads them into a bizarre web of homeless drifters, cattle auctions and bad checks – all fronted by elderly couple Ray and Faye Copeland with a penchant for money and murder.
Tödliche Bündnisse – 2/2
In 1994, a human skull retrieved from an Ohio pond reveals a ghastly crime. Markings on the skull indicate that the victim had been stabbed multiple times and that the teeth had been removed with needle-nose pliers, in an attempt to keep the victim's identity a secret. A mitochondrial DNA match between the skull and Tina Mott's 18-month-old son was used to positively identify the remains as 21-year-old Tina Mott, who was reported missing two months earlier. Investigators focus on Tina's live-in boyfriend Timothy Bradford and faced with the forensic evidence against him, Bradford confessed to killing and dismembering Mott.
Winziger Fingerzeig – 1/2
In 1996, when a fundamentalist group starts attacking and robbing banks in the Spokane, WA area, authorities know immediately that they are dealing with experienced criminals. A tip leads them to Sandpoint, Idaho residents Verne Jay Merrell, Robert S. Berry and Charles Barbee and the evidence found at their homes is extensive and incriminating. In court, two juries are presented with a combination of old fashioned forensic science and the latest in crime technology in order to render a verdict.
Blutige Spuren – 2/2
In 1992, in a rural Canadian community, Dr. John Schneeberger is accused of sedating and sexually assaulting one of his female patients and his step daughter. DNA tests demonstrate that the doctor is innocent, but the female patient still insists that he sedated and raped her. On three occasions, blood was taken from the doctor's arm for DNA testing, and each time, the results exonerated Schneeberger. Seven years later, a private investigator takes lip balm from Schneeberger's car, has it DNA-tested and the results were a match to the perpetrator. So, how did Dr. Schneeberger trick earlier investigators?
Russisch Roulette – 2/2
Creating a profile of a serial killer, is part science and part intuition. The science involves studying criminals who have committed similar crimes, to see what characteristics they all have in common. One common trait among serial killers, is a past history of abusing animals. In a search for the killer of two teenagers in Texas, a behavioral profile led to suspect Jason Massey – and hard science proved the profile was correct. Massey was executed by lethal injection on April 3, 2001.
Tödliches Blei – 1/2
In 1981, Charlotte Grabbe, wife of prominent Illinois farmer Fred Grabbe, disappeared from her farm without a trace. For three years, investigators searched in vain for any trace of Charlotte. Eventually, Fred Grabbe's former lover came forward with a fantastic tale of rage, murder, mutilation and cremation, but there seemed to be no way to test the validity of her story. That is, until a plant pathologist and a dendrochronologist conducted some tests on the plant life where the cremation supposedly occurred, which led to a surprising revelation.
Mord nach Plan – 1/2
When someone dies under mysterious circumstances, the spouse almost always is a suspect – especially if they are in bed, sleeping beside the individual at the time of their death. In 1987, Susie Mowbray was charged for her husband Bill Mowbray's death, which had the appearance of suicide. Her son was so convinced of her innocence that he enrolled in law school, studied all of the evidence and, eventually, discovered the truth of what really happened that fateful night between his mother and father.
Mord nach Plan – 2/2
In 1994, Rhoda Nathan was found murdered in a Cincinnati hotel room. Later, when hotel employee Elwood Jones went to a hospital emergency room for an infected hand, which he said was cut on a dumpster at work, the doctor treating him recognized the injury as something else.
Sibling Rivalry
Bei "Medical Detectives" geht es um spektakuläre Kriminalfälle aus dem echten Leben. Die Ermittler setzen bei ihren Arbeiten die neuesten Errungenschaften der Wissenschaft ein. Denn oft sind diese entscheidend, um die richtigen Spuren zu finden.
Mörderisches Spiel – 2/2
In 1981, New York correctional officer Donna Payant disappeared and was later found in a landfill. The medical examiner not only identified the cause of death, but also found an important clue. It was a signature element of a murder committed by Lemuel Smith 10 years earlier, which was also investigated by the medical examiner. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that Smith was an inmate at the same prison and could have committed the crime. But, did he?
Sterben und sterben lassen – 1/2
In 1999, nine-year-old Valiree Jackson vanished on her way to school near Spokane, WA. Her father Brad Jackson reported the disappearance and the entire community started searching for her abductor. As police began the investigation, they wondered if her long-lost mother Rosanne Pleasant might be connected to the disappearance. Police used GPS tracking to follow the perpetrator's movements, which not only led them to Valiree's body, but also showed the twisted motive in the perpetrator's mind. The Secret Service finds a hidden fingerprint to help detectives seal the case.
Sterben und sterben lassen – 2/2
In 1995, when off-duty Maine State Trooper Vicky Gardner is attacked by Steven Fortin during a routine stop, it triggers a chain of events which jumpstarts a stalled murder case in New Jersey. The Maine attack appears strikingly similar to the brutal sexual assault and murder of Melissa Padilla in New Jersey. There is very little forensic evidence in the New Jersey crime, but the signature the killer left behind – the ritualistic bite mark similarities in both of these crimes – identified him just as convincingly as a DNA match.
Last der Beweise – 1/2
In 1989, 19-year-old Lori Auker left her Pennsylvania home for work, but never arrived. She left behind her infant son, a family who loves her and a job she enjoys. Police investigators viewed this case as a missing persons or possible homicide and focus on her estranged husband Robert Auker. It takes space-age technology, cat hairs and insects to pinpoint the image of the woman's abductor before the real story can be told.
Kurzer Prozess – 2/2
In 1999, expectant mother Leann Fletcher is reported dead in her Michigan home of an accidental gunshot wound to the head. Was the wound self-inflicted, and if it was, why would this young mother with so much to live for kill herself? Forensic computer analysis, blood spatter analysis and a painstaking investigation led police to the truth that her lawyer husband Michael "Mick" Fletcher had motive to kill Leann, since he was having a sexual affair with judge Susan Chrzanowski.
Grauenhaftes Erwachen – 2/2
In 1980, 4-year-old Vicky Lyons is found unconscious in a parking lot with severe head trauma. Police concluded it was a hit-and-run vehicle accident, and left it at that. But Vicky's mother Crystal suspected there was more to the story and was determined to find out exactly what had happened. Being a fan of murder mysteries and forensic science shows, Crystal used much of what she had learned to determine who was responsible for the accident, which permanently injured her daughter.
Wahn und Willkür – 1/2
In 1995, Lisa Manderach and her daughter Devon left their Pennsylvania home to go shopping, but didn't return home at the expected time. Lisa's husband Jimmy called police in a panic to report their disappearance and he directed them to a nearby shopping center. Later that day, Devon's body was found dumped off of a roadside, but there was no sign of Lisa. Looking further into the store Lisa had said she was going to, police shift their focus to store employee Caleb Fairley.
7. Staffel 7 (42 Episoden)
Verhängnisvolles Vertrauen – 1/2
Details the death of Walter Scott (Walter Notheis Jr.), lead singer for the 1960s band Bob Kuban and the In-Men, who disappeared in 1983. James H. Williams, Sr. was later arrested and convicted of murdering both Scott and his unfaithful wife, Sharon Williams.
Verhängnisvolles Vertrauen – 2/2
An examination of an unusual case in Texas involving the 1988 rape and murder of Nancy DePriest, while at work at Pizza Hut. After suspect Chris Ochoa confessed and implicated Richard Danzinger and they were imprisoned, the case was considered closed. Eight years later, Achim Marino confessed to the same crime. DNA evidence cleared Ochoa while proving that Marino was, in fact, the perpetrator.
Mörderische Gier – 1/2
The investigation into a brutal attack on two boys near a pond relies on evidence fished out of the murky water. It was the first case where Diatom evidence was used to place a suspect at the scene of the crime and references the subsequent case from Season 2 Forensic Files episode Micro-Clues, which also used Diatom evidence. The evidence helped in the conviction Christopher Green & Brian Davis, who were both 16 years old and were tried as adults. Their accomplice Jason, who was a minor, was sent to a juvenile detention center.
Mörderische Gier – 2/2
In 1988, the body of a young woman was discovered in an Ohio river under ice. Most of the evidence found at the crime scene – hairs, fibers, & fingerprints-- had been washed away. But the victim's 6 year-old son unwittingly told investigators all they needed to know about the killer... and he did it without saying a word. The clue was in his genes.
Langer Atem – 1/2
In 1991, A high school girl vanishes, after attending a party. Her abandoned vehicle was found in a school parking lot, near her home. The prime suspect had not one, but two alibi witnesses for the night she disappeared. A solid alibi can often overcome much circumstancial evidence. But forensic evidence, is another matter .
Langer Atem – 2/2
In 1997, two years after a series of unsolved kidnappings and sexual assaults in California. One of the victims suddenly recalled an important detail of the crime which she had not told police. She left some forensic evidence in the assailant's vehicle, evidence that left quite an impression.
Purr-Fect Match
1994 wurde der Leichnam Shirley Duguays, der getrennt lebenden Ehefrau von Douglas Beamish, auf der kanadischen Insel Prince Edward Island gefunden. Per DNA-Analyse konnten die auf der Jacke der Ermordeten entdeckten Katzenhaare mit der Katze von Beamishs Eltern, bei denen der Mordverdächtige zur Tatzeit lebte, in Verbindung gebracht werden.
Unsichtbare Bedrohung – 2/2
1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack: Investigators uncover a plot to overthrow the government, after a unique strain of salmonella makes people ill.
Entfremdet – 1/2
Two sets of scientists, probe a woman's death.
Ein hinterhältiges Spiel – 2/2
The Madalyn Murray O'Hair case is related. The founder of American Atheists disappeared in 1995 along with one of her sons and granddaughter, along with $500,000 in gold coins. In time, the police honed in on several suspects, including David R. Waters, who worked as the office manager for O'Hair's organization. In 2001, he led authorities to her grave, located on a ranch near San Antonio.
Ohne Ausweg – 1/2
Two eyewitnesses may hold the key to the death of a motorcycle gang member.
Ohne Ausweg – 2/2
In Pennsylvania 1984, a passer-by finds the torso of a woman in a cardboard box. Investigators rely on insect activity analysis by a forensic entomologist to determine when the murder victim was killed. She remained unknown until a year later, when her sister called to report her missing. Eventually she was identified as Edna M. Posey, a local prostitute. Investigators then looked into Donald Ruby, whom Edna had asked to watch her 11-year-old son Randy. Investigators theorized that Donald Ruby had grown fond of Randy and killed Edna to keep her from taking her son back. Donald Ruby was convicted of her murder, but would further forensic entomology change the outcome?
Tödlicher Besuch – 1/2
The investigation into the kidnapping and rape of an 18-year-old Ohio woman is aided when the victim returns hours after the incident occurred. With her help, the police are able to track the assailant Craig Bailey to his front door.
Schatten der Vergangenheit – 1/2
The police investigate when a severed leg is discovered in the garbage. Conventional means of identifying the victim are impossible, leading investigators to rely on DNA, forensic anthropology and toxicology to identify the victim. The victim was identified as Norman Klaas and, through forensic investigation of his home, it was determined that local meth dealer Graham King was the murderer.
Stück für Stück – 2/2
How Illinois scientists solved a 1992 murder case involving cremation. It takes a long time and a very hot fire to cremate a human body, and thus destroy all evidence of foul play. But the coroner who performed the autopsy on the badly burned body of Charles "Jack" Lynch found telltale clues. Not only had the victim been burned, he’d also been stabbed -- 24 times, with two different knives. Police knew that a person, acting alone, would probably use only one weapon. So investigators were on the lookout for a couple of killers.
Zeit der Vergeltung – 1/2
A look back at the case of the River Park Rapist, who assaulted four women in South Bend, Ind., during 1996. Law enforcement officers arrested Richard Alexander, who was convicted in 1998 and sentenced to 70 years in prison. In 2001, Michael Murphy confessed to one of the two rapes of which Alexander had been convicted and new DNA testing exonerated Alexander.
Zeit der Vergeltung – 2/2
The 1996 Seattle murder of suburban couple Raquel Rivera & Jay Johnson is detailed. Investigators first believe the slayings were the result of a drug deal gone bad. However, no drugs are found in the house and the victims' blood isn't present on the clothing of the suspects. Evidence from the couple's dog Chief eventually ties one of the murderers to the scene. This is one of the first cases where dog DNA was used to convict. Kenneth Leuluaialii and George Tuilefano were sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Schleichender Tod – 1/2
The story of firefighter Michelle Baker is related. After meeting Dr. Maynard Muntzing, she became pregnant by him. After this news, she was ill whenever they were together. The coincidences led her to suspect that he was doing her harm, so she set out to prove it.
Schleichender Tod – 2/2
A look back at a trio of unsolved murders that occurred in Wichita Falls, Texas during the 1980s, details how a fourth murder from the same time period provided the police with more than they realized. John Little, an investigator for the DA's office, picked up the cold cases years later. He soon connected the fourth crime's confessed killer, Faryion Wardrip, to the other murders.
Ein mörderischer Plan – 1/2
The disappearance of Philadelphia college athlete Aimee Willard is investigated after her car was found, still running on the roadside. When her body is found, the police find unusual marks on her body and DNA evidence that eventually lead to her killer, Arthur Bomar.
Ein mörderischer Plan – 2/2
The investigation into the apparent overdose suicide of Reverend Bill Guthrie's wife Sharon. Detectives suspect foul play after they recover incriminating files from Bill's computer and learn of his infidelity.
Tödliche Falle – 2/2
The 1991 disappearance of Newport Beach, California resident Denise Huber stumps investigators. Three years later, Arizona residents call police to report John Famalaro, who has kept a Ryder rental truck in his driveway, which they suspect is stolen. Upon further investigation, police find a body within a freezer inside the truck, which they conclude is Denise Huber.
Ein sinnloser Mord – 1/2
The 1987 disappearance of Houston resident Tracy Jo Shine is recalled. The investigation went cold until 2000, when a "cold case squad" learned that the woman's ex-boyfriend Michael Neal had bragged about killing her.
Ein sinnloser Mord – 2/2
Doctors cannot pinpoint the source of a businessman's illness.
Tückische Täuschung – 1/2
The disappearance of 6 year-old Michelle Lee Dorr is detailed. Although her father confessed to murdering her, the police soon poked holes in his story, leaving the case unsolved for 14 years. New suspect Hadden Clark was heard talking to himself, which gave investigators a clue where Michelle was killed.
Tückische Täuschung – 2/2
The 1996 investigation into 48-year-old Martha Hansen's murder in Anchorage is helped by a legal requirement that bars have video cameras installed on the premises. Using video, hair and blood evidence, investigators determine that Evans Lee Curtis was the murderer.
Vor Feierabend – 1/2
A look at the case against Jack Reeves. In 1994, friends reported his mail-order bride Emelita Villa had disappeared. The police centered its suspicions on Reeves and, while pursuing leads, uncovered information linking him to the deaths of two former wives.
Vor Feierabend – 2/2
The Kowalczk/Thompson Murder case. The murders of an elderly couple leave stumped until, two years later, they receive a major break. A jeweler looking through old newspaper clippings recognizes a necklace the female victim wore as having been pawned in her own shop.
Schmutziges Spiel – 1/2
The murder of 9-year-old Jessica Knott is investigated. Investigators use a garbage bag to connect suspect James Edward Crow, Jr. to the crime.
In den eigenen vier Wänden – 2/2
An investigation into the murder of Katie Poirier is stymied by the lack of a body, but they find a few charred remains including a tooth. The unique properties of the filling in the tooth helps investigators identify her remains. Further forensic evidence is then used to convict Donald Blom of her murder.
Verhängnisvolle Begegnungen – 1/2
The Janet Overton Case. The investigation into a suspicious death hits a dead end when the autopsy indicates that no foul play was involved. But a telephone tip and the sensitive nose of a forensic examiner indicate otherwise.
Spuren des Bösen – 2/2
The suspect in a crime eludes arrest for 16 years because the police can't tie him to it. That changes, however, when investigators learn the culprit is left-handed, putting a new spin on old facts.
In den eigenen vier Wänden – 1/2
Forensic scientists work with the only clue recovered from a multiple-victim shooting: a 12-gauge shotgun. Scientists use unique methods to lift the serial number from the weapon in order to trace it to its owner, eventually discovering Gerardo Manso.
Spuren des Bösen – 1/2
Relates the story of Paul Kenneth Keller, a serial arsonist responsible for several fires that caused millions of dollars worth of property damage and the deaths of three people. More than 75 Seattle-area arsons are probed before he was discovered, partly through the use of forensic hypnosis.
Tod im Schlafzimmer – 1/2
The use of the computers by law enforcement is detailed in this look at a series of crimes in St. Louis that stumped the local police and the FBI.
Tod im Schlafzimmer – 2/2
Details the case of the Center City Rapist and the murder of Shannon Schieber. Philadelphia authorities use an anonymous letter and geographic profiling to hone in on a suspect who attacks victims who live on upper floors of apartment buildings. When they hear of similar crimes in Colorado, they do further profiling to find Troy Graves.
Fatale Bekanntschaften – 1/2
A family in Dripping Springs, Texas seems to be living the perfect life when suddenly their 3-year-old son develops a respiratory condition in March 1999. The father later is shown to have signs of Alzheimer's disease, and while boarding a plane a month later, meet an investigator who later reveals that their ill health is due to a form of black mold in their modern home, which was based on the movie version of "Tara", the home of Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind.
Tatorte – 2/2
A murder investigation in St. Petersburg, Florida, crosses jurisdictions from New York and Jamaica. The police rely on cell phone mapping, wiretapping and a host of forensic evidence to link a suspect to a murder.
Schicksalsschläge – 2/2
The Jane Dorotik case. A man's body is discovered near his family's horse ranch. His wife claims he went jogging, but investigators doubt her story.
Spiel mit dem Feuer – 2/2
Details the case of the Beltway sniper attacks, a 3-week shooting spree which left 10 people dead in the Washington, D.C. area.
Episode 41
Georgia resident Sheila Bryan, who was convicted of killing her mother in a car fire, is granted a new trial. An expert fire witness shares an opinion on how the fire ignited that differs from the prosecution's theory and, if verified, would clear Bryan of any culpability.
Episode 42
Authorities track a kidnapper who allowed his victim, 17-year-old Shari Smith, to write a last will and testament on a note pad, then informed the family of her murder, as well as the later murder of a 10-year-old Debra May Helmick. A phone number written on a previous page left a lasting impression, which helped to convict Larry Gene Bell.
8. Staffel 8 (42 Episoden)
In der Falle – 1/2
In 1991, Massachusetts emergency personnel are called to the home of Richard Alfredo, who was slumped over dead of an apparent heart attack. No one thought foul play was a possibility until police looked into odd behavior of his girlfriend Christina Martin in the days before his death. Controversy surrounded the case for almost a decade, which pitted competing teams of toxicologists against each other -- one claiming the death was natural and the other saying it was cold-blooded murder.
Tödliche Bakterien – 1/2
In 1999, 12-year-old Cally Jo Larson was found murdered in her own home and it changed the feeling of security residents had in the small town of Waseca, Minnesota. Despite a meticulous search of the Larson home and an exhaustive investigation, police had no suspects. Then a string of burglaries several months after the murder led police to the home of Lorenzo Sanchez, where they found a cache of stolen goods, which included CD cases similar to those belonging to Cally Jo. That evidence would make the case, and bring the killer to justice.
Unsichtbare Helfer – 1/2
In 1962, the people of the small town of Hanford, California lost their sense of peace when one of their own, 15-year-old Marlene Miller, was murdered. Booker T. Hillery was convicted and after countless appeals, Hillery received a re-trial in 1983. Forensic scientists had to use new knowledge of microscopic evidence to be able to place Hillery at the scene.
Tödliche Substanzen – 1/2
A mother of two vanishes after a shopping trip. Her body is discovered a month later. Witnesses say they saw the victim being forced into a car by an unknown person. Police later learned that car had been rented, but the signature on the rental agreement did not match that of their prime suspect. A forensic handwriting expert showed investigators the signs, which clearly pointed to the murderer.
Tod aus dem Nichts – 2/2
A woman is shot to death in her store just one day before she is to testify against the man accused of robbing her. The robber becomes the prime suspect, but he has a solid alibi: a time-stamped videotape of his outdoor activities on the day of the murder. Police asked a local physics professor to help them authenticate the videotape; he enabled them to find the killer who was hiding in the shadows.
Tödliche Substanzen – 2/2
In 1993, the state of Florida was known for more than just swimsuits, sun, and Disney World. Worldwide attention focused on a rash of robberies, which targeted tourists. Some vacationers were killed in these attacks, but some fought and survived, despite severe injuries. One of those injuries, a bite mark, would be the key piece of evidence used to convict a determinedly uncooperative suspect, who ran into an even more determined detective.
Eigen Fleisch und Blut – 1/2
During the early morning hours of December 29, 1991, a woman is murdered in a Phoenix bar. At the crime scene, investigators find a shoe-print, several foreign hairs, and unknown fingerprints. But they believe the most telling piece of evidence is the bite mark on the victim's chest. Based on his bite pattern, a local postman is charged, tried and convicted of murder, but he maintains his innocence. Ten years into his sentence, improved technology yields new information about old evidence, and earns him another trial.
Mord auf Raten – 1/2
A woman's death in Pennsylvania triggers a homicide investigation into another woman's death in North Carolina. The similarities in the cases were striking, and medical examiners must determine if the suspect's story about accidental drowning is all wet.
Spuren ins Ungewisse – 1/2
A 34-year-old nurse experiences a variety of flu-like symptoms. None of her doctors are able to discover the cause, until she visits the gynecologist for a routine check-up. Then she learns it's something far worse than the flu. She is HIV-positive. Being a nurse, she could have contracted the HIV virus in any number of ways. In the end, science was able to determine not only how she had been infected, but also by whom. The worst part: It wasn't an accident.
Tod aus dem Nichts – 1/2
Time of death becomes pivotal after a pregnant woman is found murdered in her air-conditioned bedroom. A striking similarity between her death and an HBO movie gives forensic examiners the clues they need to thaw out the alibi of a cold-blooded killer.
Todesengel – 1/2
Police were puzzled by an obscure print found at a crime scene in Peoria, Illinois where one man had been killed and two teenage girls were seriously injured. Neither of the girls could identify their attacker. But one simple, yet rarely found, clue helped track the footsteps of a killer.
Brandgefährlich – 1/2
A man is found shot to death in his home, and his ex-wife has a perfect alibi: She was camping with her boyfriend in a state park, 150 miles away. Determining time of death becomes critically important, and in order to do so, investigators need to know when the victim ate his last meal. An endocrinologist, a forensic botanist, and a short-order cook answer their question.
Lebenslänglich – 2/2
A union official is executed in his home not long after a strike by the union membership. Neither his wife, who was sleeping in the adjacent bedroom, nor anyone in the neighborhood, heard any gunshots. It would take a forensic sound test, an electron microscope, and a nightgown to explain why.
Eigen Fleisch und Blut – 2/2
A man tells police he shot an intruder who had attacked and murdered his wife. The husband paints a tragic picture of harassment, stalking and revenge, and is dubbed a hero for his valiant attempt to save his wife. Four years later, new forensic evidence leads police to re-examine the motives of this so-called hero.
Handschrift Mord – 2/2
A police officer accused of killing his estranged wife insists she committed suicide. Investigators say it was murder – that it was physically impossible for the woman to have shot herself. The crime scene evidence is interpreted differently by the defense and prosecution, and the jury must decide if the victim's death was suicide or cold-blooded murder.
Falsche Fährten – 1/2
When Firefighters found an entire family dead, inside their home, it looked like a murder-suicide, but there were several inconsistent clues in the rubble. Could ballistics, a time card, and some secret audiotapes unravel the mystery?. The killer, Earl Bramblett was charged with the murders, and was sentenced to death, on April 9, 2003.
Mörderisches Spiel – 1/2
Two men were murdered, while sleeping in their bed. One night later, an arson fire destroyed a family planning clinic. Investigators wondered, wherether some shards of glass, paintchips and a chicken feather, could link for what appeared to be, two separate crimes.
Verräterische Schatten – 2/2
With no forensic evidence inside a murder scene, investigators were baffled. But they suspected that the victim's dog, had witnessed the crime. If she had, forensic scientists would've had some way to find out, what the dog had seen.
Dem Täter auf der Spur – 2/2
A young TV news producer is raped and murdered in her apartment. Police identify two suspects, but both are cleared of any wrongdoing. The case stalls for more than a year, and then investigators turn to the Commonwealth of Virginia's DNA Databank which houses profiles of more than 8,000 convicted felons, and is the first of its kind in the nation. A comparison of the crime scene evidence with the Databank profiles results in Virginia's first cold hit in a homicide investigation, and reveals the identity of the killer.
Tödliche Gefühle – 1/2
Police are dispatched to the scene of a shooting, and discover the victim's husband is one of their own: a homicide detective who says his wife accidentally shot herself in the head. The detective maintains he called 911 immediately, but the evidence seems to indicate otherwise. Investigators turn to a forensic scientist and a ballistics expert to learn what really happened, and who was responsible.
Pfad der Wahrheit – 1/2
For years, a woman suffered from what appeared to be the unpleasant side effects of lithium, a drug prescribed to treat bipolar disorder. Her search for help led her to numerous doctors and hospitals, and resulted in a 4000-page medical file. When she died, investigators had to determine if her death was due to natural causes, suicide, or murder.
Todesengel – 2/2
A woman is found dead in a ravine near a jogging path. Crucial crime scene evidence had been washed away by severe thunderstorms. Twice, the trail turned cold. Then, almost 20 years later, an old hat and a chip of stainless steel no longer than a fingernail brought the killer to justice.
Tödliche Fehler – 2/2
When an 11-year-old girl disappeared from a small town in a remote area of Alaska, investigators wondered if she'd been attacked by a bear or become lost in the dense woods. It turned out neither was true. Her body was discovered 10 days later; she'd been shot twice at close range, and sexually assaulted. A tip from an eyewitness led police to a suspect, and trace evidence found at the crime scene convinced a jury of his guilt.
Sternzeichen Mord – 2/2
Just weeks before a witness is to testify against the man accused of sexually assaulting her, she is murdered in the front yard of her own home. Investigators immediately suspect her attacker, but they don't have enough evidence to prove his guilt. It would take fifteen years, and the remarkable advances in forensic science and DNA testing which occurred during that time, to enable police to nail the killer.
Rendezvous mit dem Tod – 2/2
For six years, a serial killer prowled the streets of New York City. He wrote letters to police and The New York Post, indicating he would kill twelve people, one for each astrological sign. Forensic astronomy, handwriting analysis, and DNA extracted from the flap of an envelope gave investigators a profile of the killer, and a stroke of luck enabled them to find him.
Tod im Rotlichtmilieu – 1/2
A healthy young man dies mysteriously in his sleep. There are no signs of trauma or injury, but toxicology tests reveal a lethal dose of lidocaine in his blood. Investigators find a suicide note, and presume he killed himself until a forensic linguist examines the note and determines that what the victim said is less important than how he said it.
Böses Blut – 2/2
In the summer of 1986, Kathleen Lipscomb's body was found on a deserted road outside of San Antonio. Months passed, then years, and the crime was never solved. Then Kathleen's family hired a private investigator, who discovered a diary among her personal effects. Two of the diary entries helped police to piece together what had happened to Kathleen Lipscomb, and why.
Unter den Augen der Kirche – 2/2
A retired police officer is discovered in his bed, dead of a single gunshot wound to the head. His wife first says the motive was robbery; then she tells police he committed suicide. It would take careful examination of the evidence at the crime scene, the tape from a bank surveillance camera, and forensic textbooks found in the victim's home to write the final chapter of this real-life whodunit.
Bis dass der Tod uns scheidet – 2/2
A suspicious fire swept through an apartment killing two young women. The cause of the fire and the identity of the victims were unclear. But a closer look at the fire scene revealed, something hidden in the ashes. Could gas chromotography, a burnt pair of eyeglasses, and a half smoked cigarette, solve the case?
Aussage gegen Aussage – 1/2
Two different men called police to report the same murder. Apparently, neither one knew that the other had called. The investigation uncovered, even more unusual circumstances. But a few tiny seeds, and a discarded candy wrapper, were more than just insignificant clues, they told a story of revenge.
Auf der Flucht – 1/2
The body of a wealthy American businessman was found in his rental car. The car had swerved off the road into a ravine, and caught fire. Teeth and bone fragments were all that remained of the body; miraculously, an engraved wristwatch and medic alert bracelet had escaped the inferno and were found in the ashes. When the victim's wife filed a claim for $7 million of life insurance, investigators sought the help of a renowned forensic anthropologist. His findings and the work of other forensic scientists uncovered a chilling scheme of fraud and deceit.
Hund, Katze, Mord – 1/2
When a pipe bomb ripped through a rural home, killing a young man and seriously injuring his mother, police had no idea who was responsible. A lot number on a 9-volt battery and the remnants of a mailing label found on a computer's hard drive enabled investigators to determine who sent the bomb, and why.
Zwischen Himmel und Erde – 1/2
No one in a quiet residential community saw or heard anything unusual the day one of their neighbours was brutally attacked and murdered. Fingerprints found at the crime scene and surveillance video from a security camera helped investigators to apprehend the presumed killer within twelve hours, even though he'd already left the state and was on a bus, headed for New York City.
Unter Verdacht – 1/2
Bruce Miller was shot to death in the office of the junkyard business he owned. The crime scene was almost pristine. In the untidy office which hadn't been cleaned for years, there should have been footprints, or fingerprints, or foreign hairs and fibres – but there weren't. When a computer forensics expert examined the computers owned by the victim's wife and by her lover, he found all the evidence needed to convict the person most responsible for the crime.
Zwischen Himmel und Erde – 2/2
A drive-by shooting leaves one man dead and another seriously wounded. Cell phone calls and shell casings point to a suspect, but authorities are unable to place him at the crime scene. When a forensic geologist compared soil from the crime scene with soil found in the wheel wells of the suspect's car, he proved that dirt is anything but dumb.
Auf der Flucht – 2/2
When Rosemary Anderson is found dead on the side of the road, her boyfriend becomes the prime suspect. He eventually confessed to her murder, but so did another man – serial killer, Eric Edgar Cooke. John Button would continue to serve five years imprisonment for the manslaughter of his girlfriend. It would take the passage of another forty years, an author, and an expert in the field of pedestrian accident reconstruction to determine who was telling the truth.
Zeit der Wahrheit – 2/2
A high school gym teacher mysteriously left town, without saying goodbye to anyone. He later sent letters to explain why. But a closer forensic look at those letters, and a microscopic piece of tissue, gave investigators an entirely different explanation for where he went and why.
Hund, Katze, Mord – 2/2
A sixteen-year-old girl was killed by her mother and father, in her own home. Her parents said they acted in self-defence, but the forensic evidence indicated otherwise. Definitive proof would come from an unlikely source: a recording made by an FBI electronic surveillance device.
Giftige Beziehungen – 1/2
A mysterious computer crash pushed a thriving manufacturing company to the brink of collapse, jeopardising the jobs of hundreds of employees. There was no apparent cause; there were no obvious clues. Forensic investigators had to determine if the crash was the result of a computer defect, human error, or sabotage.
Handschrift Mord – 1/2
It was supposed to be a routine motorcade for the Queen of England. But on the way to Yosemite National Park, a car carrying three Secret Service agents collided with a car driven by a deputy from the local sheriff's office. The agents were killed instantly. In the investigation which followed, two teams of accident reconstructionists reached very different conclusions. It would take a court case and a judge's ruling to determine what really happened, and who was responsible.
Im Schatten des Gesetzes – 1/2
In 1993, the Amtrak Railroad experienced the deadliest train crash in United States history when the Sunset Limited derailed while crossing Alabama's Big Bayou Canot bridge. Forty-seven passengers and crew were killed; scores more were injured. The clues to the cause of the crash lay etched in twisted steel and buried in the mud of the Big Bayou Canot.
Verhängnisvolle Familienbande – 2/2
A fire erupted in the Kings Cross Underground Station in London, killing 31 people and injuring dozens more. Arson investigators were able to pinpoint the cause of the fire, but it would take state-of-the-art computer technology and experts in the field of fluid dynamics to explain why it became a deadly inferno.
9. Staffel 9 (30 Episoden)
Unfall oder Mord? – 1/2
The investigation of a discarded sleeping bag, containing bloody sneakers and a purse, leads police to the body of a young woman, Carrie Love. Evidence from the autopsy and the crime scene was carefully collected and analysed, but it would be a mark found on the victim's body, which would enable police to track the killer, Jesse Pratt.
Der letzte Wille – 2/2
On the last day of deer hunting season, a woman is killed while walking her dogs in the woods. The victim has no enemies and her husband has an alibi, so police assume it was a hunting accident... until a strange letter turns up, allegedly written by the woman before her death. Police begin to wonder if the woman may have been the target all along, and a forensic document examiner, a slingshot, and an unusual physics experiment answer their question.
Vorsicht giftig! – 1/2
An Alaskan police officer found a woman's body while on routine patrol of a public park. The victim had been stabbed to death and, during the autopsy, the medical examiner preserved the portion of her rib cage which sustained the fatal wound. A knife thought to be the murder weapon turned up days later, two thousand miles away. Forensic scientists now had an opportunity, which seldom occurs: to compare the microscopic marks on the presumed murder weapon with the marks on the victim's bone.
Im Namen des Volkes – 1/2
A woman disappears without a trace; even though foul play is suspected, the leads don't pan out and the trail turns cold. Twenty years would pass before police are able to link a clump of hair discovered in an isolated area with the missing woman. Members of "NecroSearch," a group of volunteer forensic scientists, searched a remote area of Colorado a meter at a time, found the victim's body, and gave authorities the evidence they needed to bring the killer to justice.
Tödliche Arrangements – 1/2
A talented television news anchor was shot to death outside her home; it appeared to be a crime of passion, perpetrated by an obsessed fan. A police dog tracked the scent of the killer through the adjacent woods and back to the crime scene. Could the murderer be one of the onlookers, watching the police conduct their investigation?
Dunkle Schatten – 2/2
Investigators sifted through the ashes of a fire, which had killed a 40-year-old woman, the estranged wife of a police officer. At first glance, the fire appeared to have been started by an unattended cigarette. But when forensic scientists looked closely, they discovered the cause was far more complicated.
Diagnose Selbstmord – 1/2
For seven years, a trio of men robbed one bank after another. They always got away before the police arrived, and they left no evidence behind. But the way they stood and the clothes they wore told a story that could be read by forensic scientists.
Spuren des Todes – 2/2
A young woman suddenly becomes critically ill; her symptoms worsen over time, eventually leaving her unable to walk. Then a bone marrow test reveals the cause: arsenic. Investigators now had to determine if the poisoning was caused by groundwater contamination, or something much more sinister.
Sternzeichen Mord – 1/2
Residents of Noel, Missouri were stunned to learn that their bank had been robbed and the bank president was missing. His body was later found floating in a lake, securely bound to a chair with duct tape. When the tape was carefully reassembled using a technique known as end match analysis, investigators discovered one piece was missing. It would be that piece, and tips from concerned citizens, which would solve the crime.
Im Netz der Verführung – 1/2
A young couple decided to celebrate their first wedding anniversary with a camping trip to Mount Hood. During the trip, the husband was shot and killed, and his wife told two different versions of the events which led to his death. Forensic psychiatry finally enabled her to distinguish fact from fiction, and the evidence from ballistics tests allowed investigators to determine what really happened.
Maskierte Verbrechen – 1/2
The body of 16-year-old Leanne Tiernan was discovered nine months after she disappeared. Forensic scientists found clues that painted a virtual portrait of her killer. They knew he had a dog, he worked for the postal service, and that he had red carpeting in his home. Now all they had to do was find him.
Verwirrende Beweise – 1/2
A beautiful, vibrant young woman fell to her death from a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Initially, investigators thought it was a tragic accident. But after a forensic examination of photographs taken at the scene, police had a very different picture of what had happened.
Zerstörerische Gewalt – 1/2
Haunted by the disappearance of her mother some twenty years earlier, a young woman undertook an investigation of her own. Her mother's diary was in the now cold case file; there, in her mother's own handwriting, she discovered a dark family secret, which might have been the reason her mother vanished.
Verhängnisvolle Konfrontation – 1/2
California police had several suspects in the robbery and brutal murder of an elderly couple. Unfortunately, the forensic evidence was inconclusive, and the crime went unsolved. Ten years later, a determined forensic scientist used material from a dentist's office to uncover ballistic evidence which had been overlooked. He not only solved the crime, he also made scientific history.
Rätselhafte Gene – 1/2
After a street fight took the life of a national wrestling champion, police had to determine if he was killed in cold blood, or in self-defense. A jury decided it was murder, and sentenced the accused to a minimum of twenty years in prison. Six years later, he was granted another trial; a forensic animator, who testified on his behalf, offered a different explanation for the most damning piece of evidence.
Skrupellos – 1/2
A 19-year-old woman was found dead in her car; the scene had been staged to make murder appear to be suicide. During their investigation, police discovered the victim was involved in a love quadrangle, giving several people a motive to kill her. The killer's identity would be revealed by a piece of evidence found in a suspect's trash.
In Schuss und Asche – 1/2
A man disappears one year to the day after beginning an affair with his friend's wife. 15 years later, with the help of a metal detector, police found evidence which would prove what had happened, and who was responsible.
In Schuss und Asche – 2/2
The body of a young California co-ed was found under an isolated ramp of the Interstate, and San Diego police had no idea who would want this girl dead. But their questions would be answered when they discovered a tiny, unique fiber on the victim's clothing, which led them straight to the most unlikely of killers.
Russisch Roulette – 1/2
A go-go dancer told her family she needed to get away for a while, and then she simply disappeared. Investigators were suspicious, because she took neither her car nor her clothes. The next twenty years passed slowly, and the family began to think they might never know what happened until they received a phone call which changed everything.
Tödliches Blei – 2/2
A Colorado hunter who'd been shot three times and killed was the victim of a well planned crime, not an accidental shooting. Investigators found a .243 calibre bullet in his lung and a .308 calibre shell casing near his body, and suspected they were looking for two murder weapons, and two killers. But analysis of the forensic evidence pointed them in a different direction one much closer to home.
Mordszenarien – 1/2
In 1984, California firefighters had battled ten arson fires in three weeks. When cigarettes and a scrap of paper connected the southern California fires to several fires further north, the hunt was on for a dangerous pyromaniac. Investigators finally found a fingerprint, and it pointed to a most unlikely suspect.
Verhängnisvolle Begierden – 1/2
In 2002, a small community in upstate New York was devastated when Patty Wlasiuk died when their truck went into a lake, from which her husband Peter stated he narrowly escaped. Investigators initially thought alcohol was to blame, but blood tests proved the victim was not intoxicated. Burdock seed pods found in her hair and on her clothes would indicate that this was no accident. It was cold-blooded murder.
Eine Frage der Glaubwürdigkeit – 1/2
When a woman disappeared without a trace, there were two possible explanations: kidnapping or murder. Concern was heightened when police learned that two other women had vanished under similar circumstances. Careful investigation, the talents of a forensic artist, and DNA profiling enabled police to link the crimes to a single suspect – an immigrant known to prey upon vulnerable women.
Ein falsches Wort – 2/2
Hikers near Anchorage, Alaska discovered a body wrapped in sheets, which were edged in orange stitching. Authorities hydrated the fingers and obtained a fingerprint, enabling them to identify the victim. Clinging to the sheet, they also discovered a tuft of red carpet fibers – threads of evidence, which led them straight to the killer.
Tödliche Nähe – 1/2
The news of a flight attendant's brutal murder prompted the son of a victim who had been killed five years earlier to contact police. The MO of both murders was remarkably similar, and analysis of the biological evidence from the crime scenes proved that these were serial killings.
Der letzte Herzschlag – 2/2
A two-man shrimp boat sank when a fast-moving, violent storm struck the Louisiana coast. The captain drowned, and the deckhand was rescued fourteen hours later. He told the Coast Guard that the captain's foot had become entangled in the fishing nets; they tried frantically to free him, but they failed. The deckhand was considered a hero until the captain's body was found. Eventually, the public discovers that he was coerced into confessing to the captain's murder.
Böses Spiel – 1/2
When a wealthy real estate tycoon went missing, it appeared to be foul play. He had been aware that he was in danger. In his will, he left instructions regarding what was to happen if he died under violent circumstances – instructions which were carried out after a hiker came across a bullet-ridden skull.
Licht ins Dunkel – 1/2
The cold-blooded murder of an American tourist in a Mexican resort focused law enforcement resources on both sides of the border. At first glance, the motive appeared to be robbery, but careful analysis of the forensic evidence pointed to something much more sinister.
Licht ins Dunkel – 2/2
The investigation of the kidnapping of a prominent banker's wife led police on a wild goose chase, tracking down disgruntled bank customers and examining computer fonts. An unexpected discovery made by an entomologist resulted in a new suspect, and the realization that ordinary office equipment can leave behind extraordinary clues.
Liebe, Schmerz und Tod – 1/2
In the middle of the night, a neighbor watched in horror as a man stabbed his wife, pushed her into the swimming pool, and held her head under water. When questioned by the police, the husband not only had no explanation for his actions, he also had no recollection of the crime. A jury would have to decide between the evidence at the scene and the mysteries of the mind.
10. Staffel 10 (42 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
11. Staffel 11 (42 Episoden)
Episode 1
The woman could have lost control of her SUV on the icy road, and plunged down an embankment into a shallow creek. But there were footprints in the snow leading away.
Episode 2
A successful stockbroker told his wife he'd be working late, and when he didn't come home, she reported him missing. Investigators found his car a few blocks from his office and, two days later, proof that he had been murdered.
Episode 3
The prime suspect had a criminal record, and his driver's license was found at the scene of a brutal, double homicide. That physical evidence seemed damning, but it wasn't the only evidence. DNA extracted from a discarded spoon would point investigators in a different direction.
Episode 4
When a little girl got sick and died, investigators were stumped. Was it an accident, an unexplained illness, or murder? Scientists would travel halfway around the world before finding the answer in two unlikely places: a shredded legal document and her mother's signature.
Ein zweites Leben
1990 werden drei Prostituierte brutal ermordet und am Ufer des Spokane Rivers zurückgelassen. Die Ermittler hatten nur wenige Anhaltspunkte. Es wurden Tierhaare, Fasern und ein Fingerabdruck gefunden, aber der Täter wurde jahrelang nicht identifiziert. Mehr als 20 Jahre später gibt es einen Durchbruch in dem Fall - und endlich wird ein Mörder verhaftet, aber niemand hätte je gedacht, wer hinter diesem unheimlichen Verbrechen steckt.
Episode 6
A World War II veteran was found dead in his home, and the investigation ground to a halt when the prime suspect had a solid an alibi. But a lucky break led to a shady character who wore distinctive boots and had a sweet tooth.
Episode 7
A woman who was known to have suffered from depression apparently took her own life. But her sister told police that, a year before her death, she said if anything were to happen to her, there was a note in the china cabinet. Investigators found the note and the killer.
Episode 8
An aspiring model turned up dead, and the prime suspect was her boyfriend. When he was eventually cleared, investigators had to dig deeper to find the perpetrator. With the help of a forensic geologist, they identified the most unlikely suspects.
Chief Suspect
Bei "Medical Detectives" geht es um spektakuläre Kriminalfälle aus dem echten Leben. Die Ermittler setzen bei ihren Arbeiten die neuesten Errungenschaften der Wissenschaft ein. Denn oft sind diese entscheidend, um die richtigen Spuren zu finden.
Episode 10
One warm summer afternoon, the town of Verona, Wisconsin, faced its first triple homicide. To solve the case, investigators had to delve into the world of high rollers and offshore betting.
Episode 11
The body of a young girl was discovered on isolated farmland near Delano, California. She had no ID, but police found mailbox and house keys in the pocket of her jeans. With no other clues, they checked the mailboxes of every apartment building in Delano and their persistence paid off.
Episode 12
The driver said he couldn't have hit and killed a pedestrian on a Harrisburg street. The Jeep Grand Cherokee he was leasing around that time had been sold months ago to a buyer in another state. Police were able to find the vehicle. They impounded it, took it apart, and discovered evidence, which would tell them what really happened that night.
Episode 13
The medical examiner ruled the death an accident, but the detectives investigating the case thought the evidence at the scene indicated otherwise. It would take three years, an exhumation and a second autopsy to determine who was right.
Episode 14
When a hit-and-run boating accident caused the death of a popular young man, investigators faced the daunting task of searching for one boat among 1200 others. They asked anyone who had seen the accident to come forward. The man who responded did much more than witness the crash; he was a passenger in that other boat.
Episode 15
A woman was found dead on the bedroom floor of her apartment. The crime scene yielded little of value, and investigators wondered if they would find enough evidence to make a case, much less catch a killer. But a bloodstained sheet and a breakthrough forensic technique enabled them to identify the murderer, and convince the jury of his guilt.
Episode 16
A young man was killed in a mysterious car crash, but the evidence at the scene led investigators to believe it was not an accident. Forensic science revealed what really happened, and the truth devastated three families.
Episode 17
When a woman went missing, friends and family were determined to find her. Their worst fears were confirmed weeks later when her body was discovered. Blood evidence and computer forensics helped investigators to catch the killer, and convince the jury of his guilt.
Episode 18
In 1993, 82-year-old Kathryn Bishop was found dead in her Pennsylvania home. The evidence at the scene indicated that the perpetrator had been running out of the house, not breaking into it. Tiny clues on the victim's body would tell police what happened that night, which gave investigators the proof they need that Timothy McEnany was the perpetrator
Episode 19
A wealthy man and his wife were attacked by three men outside their luxurious Louisiana home. He was shot dead and she was forced to open their hidden safe. The woman could not describe the men because they wore masks. To solve the case, police would have to find out who knew about the concealed safe, and who would benefit from the crime.
Episode 20
The bomb was constructed to cause as much damage as possible..and it did, killing the victim with deadly force and flame. A painstaking search yielded tiny clues, which identified the killer as surely as if he'd signed them.
Episode 21
A twelve-year-old girl claimed she had been abducted and sexually assaulted. She recounted what happened in such a flat, unemotional voice that police found it difficult to believe her. Fibers on her clothing would prove she was telling the truth, and help police to find her attacker.
Episode 22
In 2001, paramedics in Durham, North Carolina received a frantic call from Michael Peterson who said his wife Kathleen had fallen down the stairs and that she was unconscious, but still breathing. When paramedics arrived, they could do little more than pronounce the woman dead. The number and volume of bloodstains at the scene was greater than usual. It was up to forensic scientists to find out why.
Episode 23
The wife of a respected police officer was murdered in her own home. The crime went unsolved for more than a decade, and then a newly formed Cold Case Unit took a fresh look at the evidence. A few seconds of a 911 call enabled them to determine not only who was responsible for the victim's death, but also the motive for her murder.
Im Namen des Volkes
Bei "Medical Detectives" geht es um spektakuläre Kriminalfälle aus dem echten Leben. Die Ermittler setzen bei ihren Arbeiten die neuesten Errungenschaften der Wissenschaft ein. Denn oft sind diese entscheidend, um die richtigen Spuren zu finden.
Episode 25
They thought the fire would cover their crime. But one tiny clue, no bigger than a thumbtack, remained. It held all the information investigators needed to put a trio of cold-blooded killers behind bars.
Ring Him Up
Bei "Medical Detectives" geht es um spektakuläre Kriminalfälle aus dem echten Leben. Die Ermittler setzen bei ihren Arbeiten die neuesten Errungenschaften der Wissenschaft ein. Denn oft sind diese entscheidend, um die richtigen Spuren zu finden.
Teuflisches Profil
Bei "Medical Detectives" geht es um spektakuläre Kriminalfälle aus dem echten Leben. Die Ermittler setzen bei ihren Arbeiten die neuesten Errungenschaften der Wissenschaft ein. Denn oft sind diese entscheidend, um die richtigen Spuren zu finden.
Episode 28
In 1994, Paul Gruber's daughter suspected something was wrong when she received birthday cards addressed from Gruber, on which the handwriting wasn't Gruber's. When she then learned virtually everything had been removed from her father's Sandpoint, ID home, she was sure of it. Investigators soon discover that Gruber had hired handyman Darryl Kuehl, who killed Gruber and then went about keeping up the appearance that Gruber was still alive.
Episode 29
The woman was dead. The man had been shot four times but he survived. When the man's version of events was at variance with the evidence, investigators turned to forensic science, hoping to determine if this was a botched robbery, or cold-blooded murder.
Episode 30
How did the stalker obtain the security system code for his victim's home? How did he steal her personal photographs? Police needed answers, and they found them in the most unlikely of places: the letters he wrote to frighten the victim and taunt those trying to protect her.
Episode 31
After inspecting storm damage to a home in Tampa, the insurance assessor simply disappeared. Thirty hours later, her body was found in a nearby river. But the killer had been careless, using a murder weapon so unique and leaving behind clues so blatant that police would have no trouble tracking him down.
Episode 32
When a hit-and-run accident claimed the life of a high school athlete, everyone in town mourned his passing. Finding the killer was a long shot at best, but investigators hoped tiny paint chips and pieces of plastic found at the scene would lead them to the person who was behind the wheel.
Episode 33
In 1996, Shannon Sanderson goes the casino without her husband Robert and wins $5,000 at the Blackjack tables. Three hours later, she is abducted by a man driving a Chevy Beretta and a month later, she was found dead. The trail turned cold, until police got a call from a woman whose husband, Gerald Powers, had a criminal past and a fondness for Chevy Berettas.
Virginia, 22. Juni, 1984: Die 19-jährige Jane Lewis und ihr Freund geraten während eines Campingausfluges vom Weg ab. Die beiden schlafen schließlich in ihrem Auto ein. Als sie mitten in der Nacht von einem unbekannten Mann in Tarnuniform durch heftiges Klopfen an die Autoscheibe aufgeweckt werden, beginnt für das junge Paar ein furchtbarer Albtraum ...
Episode 35
Lives changed in the 20 years following an unsolved murder, and so did forensic science. In time, a high-powered microscope and DNA profiling revealed not only a clue no one had seen before but also the identity of the killer.
Episode 36
A lifelong resident of the tiny town of Lefroy, Tasmania was murdered outside his own home. Robbery appeared to be the motive, but with no suspects, the investigation came to a halt. Then the victim's autopsy turned the investigation into a landmark forensics case: The device intended to save his life proved to be the only witness to his death.
Episode 37
When a wealthy socialite died after falling down the stairs, the eye witnesses said one thing and the evidence seemed to indicate another. To find out what really happened, investigators turned to forensic science, a physicist and an expert in accident reconstruction.
Episode 38
In 1997, Kelly Eckart's car was found with her belongings still in it, after working the late shift in Franklin, Indiana. Days later, her body was found in an isolated ravine. Tiny clues told police a great deal about the killer: He would own a car with olive-colored carpeting, a white blanket and distinctive bullets made from wax, not lead. Investigators turn to Michael Overstreet, after receiving a tip from his brother Scott.
Episode 39
In 1996, when Derrick Duehren returned to his Oregon home, it had burned to the ground and his wife Roxanne's charred remains were found in the rubble. Investigators set out to determine if it was an unfortunate accident or arson and murder.
Episode 40
A millionaire and his family were executed in their own home. For three years, the murders went unsolved and then a 30-year-old box of ammunition and some fluorescent fibers revealed the ultimate betrayal.
Episode 41
It was one of the most brazen crimes of the 20th century. Adolph Coors, chairman of the Coors Brewing Company, was kidnapped and held for ransom prompting one of the most intense manhunts in United States history.
Episode 42
For twelve years, the murder of a young woman went unsolved, but with the passage of time came the development of technology. Would a used tissue found at the crime scene give police the evidence they needed to crack the case and bring a killer to justice?
12. Staffel 12 (30 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
How unlucky could one man be? His wife had taken her own life, and his college sweetheart had killed herself in much the same fashion fourteen years earlier. Investigators had to determine if this was a bizarre coincidence, or an attempt to get away with murder... twice.
Episode 10
In 1996, 54-year-old Gayle Isleib was ambushed in her Manchester, Connecticut driveway and shot to death. During their investigation, police learned that her 25-year-old co-worker Tyrone Montgomery was in love with her and that she had spurned his advances. They now had to determine if love had turned into obsession... and a motive for murder.
Episode 11
The victim had been sexually assaulted and stabbed to death on the beach, just ten yards from the hotel where she was staying. A pair of men's tennis shoes was discovered near her body. Police were sure that if they found the man who fit the shoes, they would also find the man who committed the crime.
Episode 12
A 13-year-old girl went missing from her Colorado home, and the only evidence the kidnapper left behind was three fingerprints on a window screen. Two years later, a latent print examiner, new to the county and the crime lab, changed the course of the investigation by sharing a little-known fact with his colleagues.
Episode 13
A brutal murder, lots of suspects, and conflicting evidence but the forensics were clear on one thing: The killer knew his victim. And that alone gave investigators a head start.
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
13. Staffel 13 (50 Episoden)
Episode 1
In 2004, Mary Ann Clibbery was found brutally murdered in her Illinois business and investigators had to determine if this was a robbery gone wrong or a calculated murder. The evidence at the scene told police what happened and they got a huge break when evidence from the murder on top of a nearby frozen river. The investigation focused on the business co-owner George Hansen when police found that he was embezzling from the company and that evidence in the bag also pointed to him.
Episode 2
In 2006, Texas real estate agent Sarah Anne Walker was found brutally murdered in a model home. Weeks later, a witness came forward who may have seen the killer and police used forensic hypnosis to help him recall every detail of the man's appearance. His description was used to create a composite sketch, which police used to draw the killer Kosoul Chanthakoummane out of hiding.
Episode 3
In 2003, St. Cloud teenager Jason MacLennan returned home after a night out with friends and discovered his father Ken's body lying in a pool of blood. There were shoe impressions outside in the new-fallen snow; because the victim's wallet and watch were missing, the motive may have been robbery. But before making that determination, police needed to find out who had the most to gain from his death.
Episode 4
In 2006, Nevada politician Kathy Augustine died mysteriously during a hard-fought re-election campaign and the medical examiner could neither isolate the cause of death, nor explain the tiny puncture wounds discovered during the autopsy. Upon deeper analysis, investigators focus on her husband Chaz Higgs, a critical care nurse who had ready access to succinylcholine.
Episode 5
In 1996, Virginia Beach police arrive at the Makdessi apartment to find Elise Makdessi and her lover Quincy Brown dead. Elise's husband Eddie had reported that he killed Quincy Brown in self defense after Brown had murdered Elise. Eddie gave the police a videotape Elise had made a week before, alleging that she had been the victim of sexual harassment and assault while in the Navy. investigators found evidence that her allegations may have been part of an elaborate scheme for financial gain. Hoping to separate fact from fiction, they turned to forensic science.
Episode 6
In 1999, Patrick McRae was found dead in his Des Moines home and the crime scene was awash with blood. Analysis showed it had come from two people, one of whom was female. The male DNA was McRae's, which meant the killer was a woman. Leads dried up and the case went cold until a suspect arrested for drug possession offered police a deal, and told a bizarre tale of an exotic dancer named Andrea Morris who listened to the voices in her head. She was later charged in 2005 and sentenced to life in prison for the murder.
Episode 7
In 2000, the body of exotic dancer Rachel Siani was found beneath a New Jersey bridge and investigators wondered if she had committed suicide. Evidence at the scene proved not only that she'd been carried to the bridge and thrown over the side, but also that she was alive when she fell. Police first looked at customers at the gentlemen's club and discovered that Rachel offered to assist a drunk customer named John "Jack" Denofa back to his motel room and that was the last time Rachel was seen alive.
Episode 8
In 2000, construction manager Darrell North was found dead in his work trailer in Ft. Worth, Texas. When investigators arrived, they found that he had been stabbed 46 times, described as overkill and indicating a personal relationship between the victim and the attacker. Police hoped that, during the struggle, the killer had left some of his own blood and his DNA behind. Their challenge was to find it. They looked at several suspects, but focused on the last person known to see North alive, sub-contractor Curtis Wayne Pope.
Episode 9
In 2000, Judy Southern arrived home from work and was shot by a gunman waiting within. Her husband Allen arrived shortly afterwards, called 911 to report his wife had been shot and drove her to the hospital. She died on arrival and the investigation focused on her husband Allen, but forensic analysis and a suicide note found at the scene pointed to Jonathan Binney.
Episode 10
In 1986, Gary Dale Larson was stabbed to death in his Edmond, Oklahoma home and then the killer sexually assaulted Larson's girlfriend Janet Haynes. Hayne's story seemed farfetched: The perpetrator was wearing only underwear and gloves broke into the house, stabbed Larson to death, then raped and terrorized her for hours afterwards. But, the evidence at the scene supported her story, and investigators turned for help to the FBI and their criminal profilers. The case remained cold until 2004, when Jonathan Scott Graham was arrested in the same neighborhood where Larson was murdered and footprint and DNA analysis placed Graham at the scene of the murder.
Episode 11
In 1991, Dorothy Donovan was murdered in her Dover, Delaware home and police are skeptical when her son Charles Holden stated that she was murdered by a hitchhiker he had picked up. Their suspicions were heightened when he refused to take a polygraph test and they turned to forensic science. Would the blood and fingerprint evidence at the crime scene support Charles' story or prove his guilt? The case went cold for many years until the DNA of ex-con Gilbert Cannon linked him to the crime.
Episode 12
In 2001, Ginger Hayes and her infant son Nicholas were abducted during a carjacking and the crime had been reported by a witness within minutes of occurrence. 45 minutes after the kidnapping, Ginger is seen with a black man in a local store's surveillance video and then they find her car in a nearby neighborhood. Both the witness to the carjacking and the owner of the home where the car was found pointed to Andre Edwards, but he wouldn't tell the police anything. A farmer 50 miles away called to report the body of a woman and a baby, which were determined to be Ginger, who had been beaten to death and her son Nicholas, who was still alive. Further analysis of Ginger's car and evidence at the scene where Ginger was found both linked Edwards to her death.
Episode 13
In the early hours of a morning just before Christmas, a college co-ed was abducted from the parking lot of her apartment. Her body was found later that day; she'd been sexually assaulted and then shot at point blank range. Eight long years passed and then a pair of running shoes and a cell phone breathed new life into a very cold case.
Episode 14
A young woman is found dead in her apartment. There's little evidence at the scene, leads don't pan out and the case turns cold... until police discover a link between their prime suspect and an unsolved murder committed six years earlier in different state.
Episode 15
When a college student is reported missing, police believe their investigation will be like countless others, and she'd turn-up a few days later. But when they discover blood spatter in her boyfriend's bedroom, blood spatter someone had gone to great lengths to conceal, they know this case is going to be different.
Episode 16
A serial rapist is on the loose in a Texas town. No one knew where he'd strike next, but the audacity of his attacks and the escalation of violence against his victims made finding him imperative.
Episode 17
The victim has been stabbed more than thirty times, and the crime scene is awash with her blood. Near her head, police discover a distinctive button with strands of thread still attached. If they can find the owner of the shirt the button came from, they'll also find the killer.
Episode 18
A young woman attends evening church services... then disappears. When her abandoned car is found, the tank is empty and a gas can she kept in her trunk for emergencies is missing. Eyewitnesses place her at a nearby gas station, getting into a van, but their descriptions of the vehicle don't match. Three days later when her body is discovered, the search for the driver of that van intensifies.
Episode 19
When a nine-year-old girl goes missing, police and volunteers spend weeks searching for her. A psychic's vision leads to a field where her body is discovered, along with what investigators hope is enough evidence to help them to also find her killer.
Episode 20
Digital enhancement of security camera video shows that what appears to be a casual encounter is actually a forced abduction, leading to murder. The perpetrator's MO is remarkably similar to another murder which occurred five months earlier, 15 miles away. When investigators learn the crimes might not be isolated or random, they also realise a serial killer may be on the loose.
Episode 21
The woman had been sexually assaulted, stabbed repeatedly, and left for dead. She survived, and gave police a detailed description of her attacker. When someone who fit that description practically turned himself in, police were sure they had their man... until the DNA evidence proved them wrong.
Episode 22
The victim was a self-made man who never minced words. Perhaps he was murdered by a disgruntled client or employee. Perhaps the racy photos in his safe held the clue to solving the crime. Or perhaps with the help of the IRS, investigators could follow the money and find the killer.
Episode 23
A family vacation turns into a nightmare when the wife is found face-down in the lake. There are no witnesses and little conclusive evidence to help police determine if they're dealing with a suicide, an accident, or something more sinister... until a forensic pathologist uses a groundbreaking technique to discover the truth.
Episode 24
The woman in the back of the truck was flailing her arms, screaming. They thought she was doing something dangerous for the fun of it. But when they found a jacket near a pool of blood, they knew what they'd seen wasn't a joy ride; it was an abduction.
Episode 25
When court clerk Peter Porco doesn't report to his work in November 2004, a courts officer is ordered to the Porcos' family home in Bethlehem, NY. Inside the home he finds murdered Peter Porco and his barely alive wife Joan who had both been savagely attacked with a fireman's axe. Eventually police can prove the crime was committed by the couple's son Christopher Porco.
Episode 26
This series profiles intriguing crimes where science catches the bad guy. Follow coroners, medical examiners, physicians, law enforcement officials, journalists and legal experts as they put together the pieces of the crime puzzle.
Episode 27
This episode documents a deadly bombing at a church in Oakwood, Illinois, in December 1997.
Episode 28
This series profiles intriguing crimes where science catches the bad guy. Follow coroners, medical examiners, physicians, law enforcement officials, journalists and legal experts as they put together the pieces of the crime puzzle.
Episode 29
This series profiles intriguing crimes where science catches the bad guy. Follow coroners, medical examiners, physicians, law enforcement officials, journalists and legal experts as they put together the pieces of the crime puzzle.
Episode 30
On Christmas eve 2005, the corpse of a black male is found burning near Baltimore. He's eventually identified as 26-year-old Wesley Person. Distinctive building materials from the 1930s found near the body play a crucial role in solving this case.
Episode 31
Doctors don't know why the young scientist is gravely ill. When tests finally reveal the cause, it's too late to save him. Police hope that lab analysis of his hair, showing when attempts were made on his life and what was used will lead to the killer.
Episode 32
A bullet-riddled car, a missing driver, and no witnesses. Was this an ambush or a random attack? Had the victim been abducted or was she dead? The answers lay in a unique clue, so tiny it was measured in millionths of a meter.
Episode 33
Even though their daughter had run away before, she'd always come back. Her parents were sure this time would be no different, but they were wrong. Workers discovered the teen's half-naked body on the side of the road; her throat had been slit. Police hoped the single foreign hair found in a defensive wound on her thumb would lead them to the killer.
Episode 34
In little more than a month, two women who lived in the same apartment complex were brutally murdered. The similarities of the crime scenes led police to conclude they were dealing with a serial killer who harboured an intense hatred of women... and they had to find him before he struck again.
Episode 35
When a college co-ed vanished without a trace, her fellow students were concerned about her safety and their own. Weeks later, the body of an unknown female was discovered 700 miles away in the ashes of a barn fire, and an alert police officer realised the two crimes might be connected.
Episode 36
The victim was well liked and successful, which made the brutality of the crime even harder to understand. In the final moments of her life, she'd written a name on the wall, presumably that of the killer – in her own blood. But this wasn't an open and shut case and, in order to solve it, investigators would have to read between the lines.
Episode 37
An assistant manager of a Florida steakhouse is stabbed to death. It appears to be a robbery gone wrong, but a bloody fingerprint reveals that he knew his killer.
Episode 38
James Kenneth Elmen Jr. abducted Julie Estes, then 21, from the Southside convenience store where she worked in 1985. He raped and murdered her. Her body was found the next day, but the killing went unsolved until 2003 when it became the first murder arrest by the new cold case squad at the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office. A sample of Elmen's blood was taken after sentencing for the 1986 rape and kidnapping of another woman and the attempted abduction of a third and his DNA was entered into a database, which was eventually matched to Estes' DNA. Elmen is also a suspect in the 1985 murder his 10-year-old half sister, Dana Loomis, and the slaying of a female acquaintance, Christina Casey. In June 1984 a jury acquitted Elmen of killing Steven Linthicum of Titusville.
Episode 39
Tracey Frame, 35, was convicted of killing David Nixon in April 2002 after he planned to end their relationship.
Episode 40
A surgeon is stabbed to death, and the most likely suspect is seen in a restaurant at the time of the murder. Episode documents the murder of Brian Stidham.
Episode 41
In 2007, Brian & Beverly Mauck were found dead in their Graham, Washington home. Using a bloody palm print and shoe prints at the scene, investigators focus their attention on neighbor Daniel Tavares, who had previously been inking a tattoo on Brian's back.
Episode 42
On May 12, 1994, Crystal Perry was viciously murdered in her home in Bridgton, Maine. Michael Hutchinson, 32, was found guilty of murder in the 1994 slaying at Perry's home.
Episode 43
On December 10, 2003, in a murder-for-hire scheme, Thomas "Bart" Whitaker hired Chris Brashear, his college roommate, to kill his family so he could inherit the estimated $1.5 million family estate.
Runaway Love
Bei "Medical Detectives" geht es um spektakuläre Kriminalfälle aus dem echten Leben. Die Ermittler setzen bei ihren Arbeiten die neuesten Errungenschaften der Wissenschaft ein. Denn oft sind diese entscheidend, um die richtigen Spuren zu finden.
Episode 45
On May 20, 2001, Carrie Nelson, then 20, was beaten to death while working alone in a park office. The case went unsolved for six years until May 2007 when, in a routine check of DNA samples of prison inmates in South Dakota, police found a match with DNA samples gathered from the crime scene. The samples linked Randy Leeroyal Swaney, 35, to the murder. In August 2008, Randy Swaney was sentenced to life in prison.
Episode 46
Foul play is suspected when Fort Worth factory worker Glenda Furch disappears in September 2007 after completing her shift.
Episode 47
Police get a clue about a couple who disappeared on Memorial Day weekend during an in-progress robbery. The evidence found solves a brutal crime. Episode documents the 2002 murders of Joshua Ford and Martha Crutchley by killers Erika and Benjamin Sifrit.
Episode 48
The decade-old murder of a young Texas housewife is investigated.
Episode 49
In 1995, Palm Beach waitress Denise O'Neill is abducted and murdered. Her neighbour Luis Caballero arouses suspicions by his odd behaviour towards tv crews covering the crime. In the end police can prove Caballero and two other men committed the murder.
Episode 50
In 2007, Shamaia Smith disappeared from the strip club she worked at in East Hartford, CT. Police look at various customers of the strip club, but focus on local businessman Kenneth Otto when there were inconsistencies with his story about the last time he had seen her. Upon search of Otto's rural property, cadaver dogs find something in a firepit, at which time he revokes their access. Upon revisit to the property, investigators find a variety of trace evidence, including part of a human foot.
14. Staffel 14 (21 Episoden)
Episode 1
In this episode of Forensic Files, a young mother is murdered after years of domestic abuse. There are clues at the scene: bloody footprints and DNA from the victim’s rape kit.
Episode 2
Threatening emails, a missing person and an abandoned truck lead police to a home where they believe a murder was committed. The evidence is overwhelming and investigators are sure they have the killer. What they don’t have is the body of the victim.
Episode 3
In 2000, Kristine Fitzhugh failed to show up for her music class and her husband Ken found her dead at the bottom of the stairs of their Palo Alto home. Upon further investigation, luminol reveals evidence of murder in the kitchen. As detectives investigate the crime further, they uncover a long-held family secret that provides motive.
Episode 4
As she left choir practice, the woman was gunned down in the church parking lot. Her husband became the prime suspect – particularly when police learned he found out just a month earlier that his wife had been cheating on him for three years.
Episode 5
In 2008, Illinois emergency response came upon a garage fire and a man was found crushed beneath a truck. Upon first glance, the victim was the homeowner Ari Squire. Investigators turned to forensic science to determine if they were dealing with a tragic accident or a carefully orchestrated murder. With the discovery that Ari had recently hired a Home Depot employee named Justin Newman, who had recently disappeared, the case focused on the search for Squire.
Episode 6
In 2007, the Florida mobile home of Effie and Michael Ratley catches fire and Michael heroically rescues his wife and infant son. A month later, his wife is found beaten to death in a bedroom of his parents' home. The cut window screen points to an intruder, but the lack of supporting evidence compels investigators to look within.
Episode 7
In 2005, David Castor suffered a slow, agonizing death over a period of days. His wife Stacey maintained it was suicide, even though it was done with antifreeze. Police were skeptical, especially when they learned Stacey's first husband Michael Wallace died when he was only 38 years old and she refused to consent to an autopsy.
Episode 8
In the 1990s, the media dubbed Richard Rogers the "Last Call Killer" because he targeted men in gay bars who were obviously intoxicated. His methods involved dismembering the bodies and wrapping the parts in plastic bags, which he then carefully washed to remove all incriminating evidence. He eluded capture for almost ten years and then new technology revealed fingerprints no one knew were there.
Episode 9
In 2006, Jackson, Mississippi, resident Avis Banks and her unborn child were brutally murdered in her garage and was discovered by her fiancé Keyon Pittman. Police learn Pittman was having affairs with other women and he became the prime suspect. That is, until a man came forward who not only believed he owned the murder weapon but that he also knew who used it. Their focus then turns to Carla Hughes, Pittman's co-worker and lover.
Episode 10
In 2000, when teenager Tara Munsey goes missing after a work shift at a Virginia restaurant, it is unknown if she ran away or if she was the victim of foul play. Everyone's worst fears are confirmed when a body is found at the bottom of an isolated ravine. Investigators scoured the crime scene, hoping to find enough evidence to identify the killer. But, information from her friends and an informant directs police to Jeff Thomas, a man who had previously known Tara.
Episode 11
In 1989, the dead bodies of Joan Rogers and her two teenage daughters were found floating in Tampa Bay. The water washed away any evidence, but police hoped a handwritten note found in the victims' car would lead to the killer, so they posted huge copies of the note on five highway billboards. By doing this, they received a call from a woman, for whom Oba Chandler had done work, and they positively identified his handwriting, as well as a palm print left on the note.
Episode 12
In 2003, Tiffany Rowell and three of her friends were brutally murdered in their affluent Clear Lake, Texas, neighborhood and the crime scene yielded little evidence. The next-door neighbors had seen two young people dressed in black walking nearby and their descriptions were used to create composite drawings, which become a key element in solving the crime. Eventually, an anonymous tip pointed police to a former friend to three of the victims named Christine Paolilla and her then-boyfriend Christopher Lee Snider.
Episode 13
In 2008, college co-ed Jenna Verhaalen was found dead in her Bryan, Texas apartment and petechial hemorrhages in her eyes indicated that she was strangled. The victim's boyfriend, a neighbor and the apartment maintenance man Jeremy Rosser are all suspected, but it takes DNA evidence to identify the killer.
Episode 14
In 2003, Rebecca Barney and her soon-to-be ex-husband Fred were found shot to death in their Tulsa, Oklahoma, home, which had been set on fire. After the fire was extinguished, Kenneth Maxwell, who was the man who had called 911 to report the fire, was also found shot dead in his car. Only the computer had been taken from the Barney home and with it, seemingly the means to identify the killer. But, further investigation of Rebecca's online life led them to James "Jimmy" Kidwell.
Episode 15
In 2003, Kathy Lorick was murdered on a Concord, California jogging trail in the middle of the day while talking to her husband on her mobile phone. The leads from Kathy's cell phone records and search dogs go nowhere. Nine days later, a witness tells police about a chance encounter and cigarette butts contained the killer's DNA, which was eventually linked to Robert Ward Frazier.
Episode 16
In 2008, Colorado real estate developer Alan Helmick was found shot to death at home by his wife Miriam, who then became the prime suspect. Police have a wealth of evidence against her, but it is circumstantial. The case will turn on a .25 caliber bullet fired 20 years ago from the now-missing murder weapon.
Episode 17
In 2005, the body of young mother Summer Baldwin was found in a suitcase in a Texas landfill. The suitcase leads investigators to Rosendo Rodriguez and the forensic evidence against him was formidable. Upon a search of his computer, authorities discover that Rodriguez had been following the news surrounding teenager Joanna Rogers, who had gone missing in 2004. Upon extensive search of the same landfill, Rogers' decomposing body was also found in a suitcase.
Episode 18
In 2001, Michelle Harris went missing from her Owego, New York home. Since they were going through a contentious divorce, her husband Cal was a suspect, as well as several other men that Michele had been in contact with before her disappearance. But, no arrests were made until one of the men made an incriminating remark.
Episode 19
In 2004, nursing student Tamika Huston went missing from her Spartanburg, South Carolina home. A tip led detectives to her car and they find an unknown house key that could help solve the case. A locksmith links the key to some public housing and upon extensive investigation, police found Christopher Hampton, a man Huston had been dating at the time of her disappearance. In 2005, her remains were found and shortly thereafter Hampton was arrested and charged with her murder.
Episode 20
In 2002, funeral director Lonnie Turner, Sr. was found shot to death in his Navasota, Texas home. His son Lonnie Jr. became the prime suspect, particularly after it was discovered that the murder was committed with his gun. However, he had an alibi for the time of the murder. Later, detectives found a mask near the crime scene and DNA evidence led them to Turner's godson James David White.
Episode 21
In 1993, young mother Tammy Tatum was found sexually assaulted and murdered in her Longmont, Colorado apartment. Police initially suspected her estranged husband, but did not have enough evidence to charge him and the case went cold. Three years later, another young woman was raped and police suspect the cases may be related, but the DNA collected provides no answers. Years later, Rudy Gaytan is required to give a DNA sample upon leaving prison and his DNA links him to the rape. Eventually, he also confesses to the murder of Tammy Tatum.
15. Staffel 15 (3 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

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